5 Steps To Helping Your Band Relocate To A New Rehearsal Venue
Moving your band to a new rehearsal venue may seem overwhelming but it does not have to be. You can take steps to make the move less stressful. The following are some steps you can take to avoid some of the pitfalls of moving.
Make a List
You should create a list detailing each task that needs to be complete. Make sure you include everything, from packaging to changing your band’s address. Having this list helps you figure out what needs to be done and helps you organize this move.
Assign Tasks
You know your band pretty well, meaning you know the members’ strengths and weaknesses. Use this information to assign tasks to the best person. Separating tasks should make the entire process a little easier; just make sure everyone follows through with their responsibilities.
Label Boxes
It is important that you label every box that you pack. Labeling makes unpacking a little easier. It also helps you find important items should you need them immediately after moving to your new rehearsal location. Be sure to write down if a box is filled with delicate items to make sure you or band members handle these boxes with extra care.
Get Help
You are going to need to find professionals to help make this move even easier. The equipment along with the rest of your possessions can be a hassle to move from one location to the other, but professional movers such as Wheaton World Wide Moving can make this part a cinch. You’ve properly packed all of your items, labeled them, and now all you have to do is get these individuals to help you relocate them to your new spot.
Electronic Setup
Those with complex equipment need to make sure you can set all this up when you get to your new venue. Take pictures of how each device is connected so that you can create the same setup when you get to your new place. Of course, this step can be skipped if you have a tech-savvy person in your band, but it is a good precaution to take.
These are just some steps you should take to make sure your band’s move goes smoothly. Make sure that you give yourself enough time while you are moving to tackle any problems that might spring up. Talk to your movers to see if they have additional suggestions to make your move easier.
5 Steps To Helping Your Band Relocate To A New Rehearsal Venue

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