5 Tips For Hosting A Successful (And Safe) Drive-In Concert
Choose the right space.
While it may seem obvious, current regulations make it harder to simply cram a bunch of cars into a parking lot, and selecting a space to host your pandemic-era concert necessitates room for not only the cars themselves, but also the appropriate distance between them (while still allowing the cars to remain close enough to the stage to see the actual show)
Choose a popular artist (but maybe not too popular)
Given the extra space requirements, being able to pack your “venue” shouldn’t necessarily be the main goal. Audiences are hungry for live entertainment of any kind, and while this isn’t a reason to book a totally B-list band, it can be a good opportunity for a talented up-and-coming group or artist to get in front of an engaged crowd.
Find the ticket price sweet spot
Although this might take a few tries to figure out, limited audience size means you may have to upcharge on ticket price as compared to a normal show. That said, keeping the price affordable is important, particularly given the current economic uncertainty being experienced by so many
Get attendees’ information
While this is usually a good idea for marketing reasons, the need for contact tracing makes getting your attendees contact information essential. While the risk of Coronavirus transmission at a drive-in event should be incredibly low, precautions like this remain important, and will reflect well on you, the organizer.
The nitty gritty
While never the best part of any concert, figuring out a safe and stable bathroom solution is key to the successful execution of any live event. Whether you choose porta pottys, or some other option for your facilities, expecting an entire audience to sit through a ninety-plus minute long concert without the option for a bathroom break is a non-starter
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