7 Burning Social Media Questions
Ariel Hyatt Gets The Answers From Corey Denis
Corey Denis is a woman I admire deeply. 5 years ago, and I hired her as a consultant when I took my traditional PR firm to digital and she was instrumental in helping me to get my head around how to think differently and embrace social media (Yep, even I hated it at first too). Here is just a sampling of Corey’s brilliance:
Ariel Hyatt: Why is it important that artists participate in social media?
Corey Denis: At the very least, using social media as part of an overall marketing strategy has a direct impact on Music Discovery Optimization and Search Engine Optimization, creating exposure which increases the chance of sales. In the digital environment, artists have a new chance to interact with, and sell to fans surrounded by unlimited shelf space and unique experiences online and off. Authentic participation in the “social media” space is a lot like going to the merch table after a show and selling your own merch, signing record albums or cds or shirts or USB drives…
AH: Name 5 sites you think all artists should have a social presence on?
- Tumblr
- Foursquare
- YouTube
AH: Do you think it’s important for artists to be on as many sites as possible all over the Internet, or should they be selective and only sign up to the ones that they are actively using?
CD: It takes time to create and maintain profiles on most services, but it can’t hurt to hold your band name, as long as you take the time to point all who stumble upon your site to the place where you can authentically be found on the internet (your website). An artist can create 50 profiles and optimize search-ability online, but it’s crucial to consider the user experience for all who come across the profile.
AH: What’s the best way for an artist to get blogged about?
CD: Build a strategy around your intended publicity efforts, both traditional and digital. Do research and read the blog. Do not spam bloggers unless they indicate somewhere in their about or contact page that they are interested in mass submissions for review. Be aware of blogger tastes and use discretion in publicizing to blogs unless otherwise indicated by that particular blog. Target your music in the right direction. Do not offer music exclusives to more than one blog.
AH: Do social network profiles sell music?
CD: Creating a Facebook page or a Twitter account does not directly sell music, but it can greatly increase exposure, opportunity and attention around a new release thrust into the new music economy of unlimited shelf space. In addition to quality, the best way to increase the likelihood of attention online is authenticity. Avoid “sales speak” and connect with other artists who are also using the same tools in equal measure.
AH: Do you think artists should focus on getting played on Internet radio, and how can they get Internet radio airplay?
CD: Only focus a radio campaign budget on internet radio if you want to be heard online. Many stations include contact information on their websites. The same rules apply here: be familiar with the stations and the DJs where applicable. Build public lists of stations (with links) who play your music, however big or small, on your website. Interact with internet radio station DJs using your social network profiles.
AH: What would your recommendations be for the busy artist that only has 30 minutes a week to dedicate to social media?
CD: Thirty minutes per week is not enough time to create, respond, or engage with fans using more than one social media tool. Five hours per week (one hour per service) is the minimum needed to build viable digital strategy around unlimited shelf space.
Corey is nothing short of a genius at marketing bands and artists.
She is brilliant because she thinks about both sides of the fence from the both the artists and the fans perspective. We have shared the stage together in a co-presentation at SXSW Interactive and at the Chicago New Music Seminar and I’m thrilled that she will be my first guest in the launch of my
Social Media Mastery: Tools & Discourse
Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 8:00 PM EST
You Must Register For Dial In Details http://arielpublicity.com/teleseminar/
CALL DESCRIPTION: It’s 2012 and Social Media is now mainstream media. We all know how to use sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, but few of us know how to use them well enough to engage friends and fans effectively and track ROI (return on investment).
On the Social Media Mastery: Tools & Discourse Call Ariel and Corey will discuss
- What Musicians Do Online vs. What Expert Marketers Do Online and How You Can Become an Expert Marketer Quickly
- Who is Currently Using Social Media and What Drives Them
- Common Mistakes Being Made By Musicians Online
- How To Get Back To Marketing Basics 101. You’ll be Surprised as What Really Works
- How to REALLY Use Facebook and Twitter to Effectively Promote Your Music and Brand
We Looking Forward to having you on the call!

Reader Comments (3)
I'm surprised to see Tumblr over Instagram... when it comes to profiles, don't forget that you want to 'own' custom urls on as many sites as possible for best search engine optimization (SEO). Even if you don't maintain the profile, put up something that directs users to your 'active' profile sites.
With social engagement tools (I use Hootsuite for my clients,) it is incredibly easy to manage and interact with your community using 1-2 hours per week. Even the most minimal approach to social strategy will help boost your SEO (and SMO)... that 30 minutes you can barely afford is still time well spent.
I have to agree with Corina, I'm really surprised that Tumblr made the list and Instagram (and even Pinterest and Google +) didn't.
Great post. We just set up a Tumblr page as a result. I was wondering if you, Corey Denis, or anyone else had some insight into why Foursquare is a useful tool for DIY musicians. I'm sure it can be, but the reasons aren't occuring to me naturally :-) Thanks! (as always)