
Acoustic Guitars 101: How To Pick Your First One
The acoustic guitar is a very beautiful instrument that has a hollow body which helps to amplify its string vibrations, therefore, it does not require electrical amplification. So, it’s time to pick your first acoustic guitar and the options available are very confusing. Well, shopping for your first acoustic guitar can be very confusing and overwhelming.
It is possible to walk into a guitar shop and see so many options to pick from, so a lot of people tend to purchase an acoustic guitar they fell in love with at first sight but are unable to play happily. This article will guide you on how to pick your first acoustic guitar so you will avoid the common mistakes people make.
How to Pick Your First Acoustic Guitar
Picking your first Acoustic Guitar can be hard and should not be done hurriedly. There are a lot of acoustic guitars to choose from, but knowing the factors to consider before picking one will help narrow down your options. Here are some steps you should take to ensure you do not make a mistake.
- Comfort. The acoustic guitar you pick should be comfortable for you to hold. It should not be one that you will be struggling to hold or be uncomfortable while playing. Your comfort is very important and one of the main things you should look out for. To choose this, you have to hold your guitar and feel it in your arms. Try playing with it to know if you will be able to play with it for extended hours. You should be comfortable playing your guitar while sitting or standing. It should be very responsive and fit your playing style.
- Guitar Features. The features of your acoustic guitar will determine the tone projection, sound and general output of your music. Some features are meant to improve playability. It is important to know the anatomy of your acoustic guitar before going out to pick one. Know the size that suits your play level and the kind of sound you intend to produce. More so, each feature should be of very good quality.
- Look. Having an acoustic guitar that looks great will encourage you to pick it up and play more often. The design of your instrument should fit your style, match your body size, and be attractive to you and other people.
- Price. How much are you willing to spend on getting your first acoustic guitar? Basically, you should have a budget and be willing to stick to it. If, perhaps, you see an acoustic guitar that will be perfect for you but does not fit into your budget, you may wait for it to become affordable. It is not advisable to purchase your instrument on impulse as this could make you spend on a wrong guitar.
- Purpose. One of the first things to do is to know the reason you are getting the acoustic guitar. You should know what you intend to use it for – indoor playing, concerts or shows? This will help you narrow down the list of acoustic guitars and make a more informed decision.
- Quality. Do not skip out on quality when picking your first acoustic guitar. A very good quality instrument will serve its purpose for a while longer than a poor quality one. No matter your budget or specifications, do not underestimate the importance of quality. As a matter of fact, it is better to go with an experienced guitar player when going to pick out your first acoustic guitar. This will give you a second opinion on the instrument and also help in avoiding some mistakes.
- Skill Level. The acoustic guitar you pick should be one that matches your skill level. There is an acoustic guitar for every playing level. If you are a beginner going out to pick your first instrument, you should be sure you are getting a beginner instrument. Besides, upgrading can be done later.
- Sound. The acoustic guitar you choose should sound great. More so, the sound should be one that you enjoy listening to. It should not be one that goes out of tune too often and should be loud for different venues you may perform at. A well sounding guitar will also appeal to your listeners.
No matter the age or skill level, there is an acoustic guitar for everyone. Some people play this instrument as a personal hobby, while some play it professionally. Whatever your purpose for needing an acoustic guitar is, we are here to guide you on how to pick your first one.
Many buyers go shopping to buy an acoustic guitar either for themselves or as a gift and then come back empty-handed. This is so because it can be quite hard to narrow down your options. However, when you are equipped with a comprehensive guide like this one, you will be sure to pick the best acoustic better that will be perfect for your music.
Author: Simon Dupree has discovered he has a passion for music from a very young age. Ever since then, music has been an essential part of his life. When he is not practicing, he`s probably behind the keyboard writing for Music Groupies.
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