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Entries by Azizul Hakim (2)


Punjabi Language Gets A Boost From All India Radio 

The Punjabi youth loves its music, that is why millions of copies of the albums of Punjabi singers are selling every year in all towns and cities of the state. Recording studios are mushrooming all over the Punjab, especially in the cities of Jalandhar, Phagwara, Mohali and Chandigarh. Thus a new industry is emerging in Punjab. The private and govemment owned radio stations in Punjab are blaring strains of Punjabi music all over its landscape. This is one side of the story.


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Instructions To Teach Yourself To Play Piano

This page is made to spare you a considerable measure of time investigating and searching for the correct approach to begin adapting piano.

Alright, so you need to learn piano, that is obviously incredible, however before we plunge into specifics, and on the grounds that I truly need you to prevail in your interest, how about we get a couple of things straight and pass by a well ordered guide together, so we comprehend what is that you hope to get and in this way what would i be able to assist you with. I expect you need to show yourself piano at home, at your own pace, so we should head toward the initial step and find solutions to a couple of inquiries. 

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