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Entries by Ben Jacklin (2)


Not Experimenting With Instruments? You're Doing Things Wrong

When we think of the standard instrumentation we hear in bands and orchestras, we tend to stick to what we’re used to. I’m here to tell you times are a’changing, and whether you trade your viola for an electric violin or your guitar for a modular synthesizer, the world of opportunities can have a profound impact on your music, even when you return to your original instrument.

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Why Your Home Recording Sucks (And How to Fix It)

Recording at home is a viable option for musicians now. Whether you just want to throw together a quick demo or you want to record a whole album from your garage, you can get a relatively affordable setup and set up something resembling a makeshift studio at home. Just because you are a musician or singer doesn’t mean that you are an audio engineer, and there are many reasons your recording probably sucks.

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