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Entries by David Milsont (6)


Top Tips To Teach Piano Lessons To Kids

We all believe that music is an essential factor in our lives. It adds immense pleasure and de-stresses the mind from the daily chaos. Music helps to connect us through a lifetime of experiences. Being a universal language, it unites the people all over the world. Also, science has proven that learning music from an early age, will enhance the kids’ ability to learn other things and grow steadily. 

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Which Sound System Is Best For Your Party?

When planning an event or a party you want everything to be perfect. One vital elements is the music and the quality of sound it brings to your guests. With the wide range of sound systems you can choose from, you will need to know which one is the best fit for you.  Professional sound services companies can provide you with sound systems of a much higher quality than you’d usually get from your local electronics store, and you can choose from several brands, depending on your type of event available for you to hire.

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6 Tips For Passing The Audition Of A Music School

Enrolling yourself in a prestigious music school is not as simple as it sounds since you have to pass a difficult audition at the first place. And in order to pass the audition you have to have that hunger for learning music as you need to prepare a lot for it. In fact, clearing the music school audition is so demanding or arduous that half of the people don’t even try it fearing that they will never be able to pass it successfully.

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5 Necessary Steps In Learning To Play Piano

When it comes to learning a musical instrument, the piano is one of the very best. It’s incredibly diverse and enables you to play a wide variety of music. Learning the piano may seem daunting at first since there are so many keys on a full size piano, however if you go about learning it in the right way, you can make progress much faster than you think. 

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10 Great Reasons to Play the Piano

The piano is one of the most popular instruments in the world and is played by people of all ages. If you’ve thought about taking up the piano but aren’t quite convinced it’s the right instrument for you then below are 5 of the best reasons to play the piano. 

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3 Proven Tips for Coping with Performance Anxiety

Although thousands of people gain a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction from piano playing, when it comes to an actual performance, many find the experience is tainted by the appearance of nerves.
Whilst it’s true that a little “stage fright” is a normal reaction to a potentially stressful situation for others it can be more severe. Some suffer nerves and anxiety to the point that it not only taints their experience of playing but it can make them want to stop performing altogether. In addition, an abundance of nerves during, or prior to, a performance may taint the actual performance.  Playing the piano whilst your hands are shaking or your palms are sweating is a very difficult job to do.

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