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Entries by Joe McLean (10)


How To Use Music Merchandise As Part Of The Marketing Strategy?

Musical bands often take advantage of shows, musical tours, festivals, and outdoor concerts to sell their merchandise in order to make more money. It also increases the band’s public awareness, and the band’s performance will be a reminder to the guest when they think of the experience. 

Marketing merchandise is one of the most effective ways to grow your engagement on different social media platforms. It boosts your marketing effort and helps you create vibrancy with your audience. But, in what ways can you use music merchandise as a part of the marketing strategy?

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8 Ways AI Is Helping Musicians And The Whole Music Industry

Music is a great part of the daily lives of the majority of this entire population. It could be listening to your favorite song on the way to work or perhaps it might be even a cultural song performed at an important ceremony. 

Different genres of music have grown to be loved by billions of people worldwide. This love is mainly due to the emotions that are invoked by music. That is why independent record labels have worked on unleashing different types of talent in the music industry to touch their audience’s emotions.

So, what is music to become when it is blended with machine technology? Here are 8 ways artificial intelligence is being implemented in the music industry and the impact of such.

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This Is How Listening To Music At Work Can Boost Your Productivity

Work can be exhausting and even overwhelming at times – especially if you get distracted by the smallest things. To stay on top of your work, you must be able to prioritize accordingly, limit distractions to a minimum, work undisturbed, and put your phone on silent. Studies show that these tools have kept people productive and efficient. But there’s one more that I have yet to mention… putting on some headphones and playing music! 

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How Listening To Music At Work Can Boost Your Productivity

Music has existed since forever. It may sound odd, but our ancestors were listening to music too. Only in other forms. The birds chirping, the splash of the waves, the fire burning, or the sound of rain can also be categorized as music. Especially nowadays, when all these basic sounds and many more are combined to make relaxing tracks. 

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This Is Why Your Brain Will Thank You For Being A Musician

If you’ve ever played an instrument, you know how staying focused feels like. Research shows that music and productivity are strongly correlated – the more music you play, the more creative and productive you’ll get. Being immersed in a state of creativity only enhances your chances of understanding the world, which helps you become mindful in the long term. “Music breaks mental barriers,” many musicians would agree. Besides that, it improves your brain’s cognition and boosts memory. There are many reasons why you should start playing music. In this article, you’ll find some of the most important. 


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10 Best Songs For Writers And About Writing: The Ultimate Writing Experience

Resistance is the number one enemy for most writers. Every writer knows that the hardest part about writing is not in writing itself but the ability to sit down and start. Some writers plan their work extremely well but they are big failures when it comes to execution.

Sitting down to write is not easy. And even if you manage to sit down, starting your task or project is daunting. Writers who don’t fight resistant never achieve anything worthwhile.

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10 Songs, 10 Languages: Because Music Knows No Language Barrier

Do you know that feeling when you suddenly hear a brand new song in a totally unknown language, but you just can’t resist its adorable melody and keep humming it for days? We bet you do because it happens to everyone!

 “It’s a phenomenon that clearly proves the power of music and the impact it has on people all over the globe. A lot of psychologists and linguists actually believe that music represents a universal language that you can use to “communicate across cultural and linguistic boundaries in ways that you can’t with ordinary languages like English or French,” says Maria Nodes, the content writer in essayshark review and the content consultant in UK assignment help and essayroo review, who has a passion for music and sometimes helps with the content creation for best essay writing services and australian writings review.

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The Remarkable Effects Music Can Have On Student Success

Music is a magical art form that is well-known and nurtured by almost every culture in the world for centuries. Most people listen to music for fun, but it actually has many other implications that strongly affect human beings.


According to a famous study, individuals who listen to music do it to regulate arousal and mood, to achieve self-awareness, and as an expression of social relatedness, but we want to concentrate on the fact that beautiful tunes can arouse and strengthen students’ mental activities.


It turns out that this type of art can have remarkable effects on academic success and achievements. It’s not possible to identify every single effect, but we can definitely pinpoint nine features that make music such an effective driver of mental activities. Without further ado, let’s check them out here!

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10 Things You Should Do If You Want To Learn Music As An Adult

 Listening to music is a wonderful leisure time activity, but playing an instrument is even more rewarding and fulfilling. This goes for all types of individuals and every age group – from little kids to seniors. However, a report reveals that only 5% of adults in the US actually play music.

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Eat, Sleep, Write: 5 Useful Apps For Every Musician/Songwriter

Smartphone apps are truly changing the world. Music apps have been used in music education for some time, but most of them only cover the basics. Instead of just teaching you the basics, there are many apps that can help you find inspiration and facilitate your entire recording process.

To help you write and records more songs, we’ve assembled this list of the 5 most useful apps that every musician needs. It might take some time to get used to utilizing apps to boost your creations, but they’re incredibly helpful in the long run. Add them to your daily writing/recording routine and you will see massive improvements.

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