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Entries by Chris Senner (3)


Classic Keyboards Are Being Dominated By MIDI Keyboards

Remember the days where the Nord keyboards ran the world when it come to touring musicians? Boy has that changed and changed pretty quickly. I started touring in a synth heavy band about 4 years ago and it has been a fun journey watching the keyboard world slowly change. I want to talk about the main reasons why we’re seeing less classic keyboards in touring musicians arsenals as well as touch on the new bluetooth MIDI controllers.

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Why Spotify Is A Win For Artists And Listeners

We have been hearing about Spotify and how it’s evil and unfair for a few years now. The thing is, it is the number one used streaming app and my personal belief is that it is simply the best one out there right now. There are a couple of main points that I was to discuss, so let’s get into it.

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The Huge Growth In Electric Pianos - Modern Digital Pianos

The electric or digital piano has come so far in the last 10-15 years with the increase of technology. I still have an older Yamaha digital piano that I purchased 15 years ago and it is crazy to compare them to what is coming out now. These keyboards are used all over music from studio musicians all the way to live performers. The good thing about these instruments is that they come in at all different price ranges. You can find a keyboard that is fairly cheap that still will get the job done for you depending on what you’re trying to do. 

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