Baby steps: Artist’s guide to getting back out there
As the world slowly reopens, artists are pulling the tarps off their touring vans, changing their strings, and getting ready to once again hit the road, but while the light at the end of the tunnel has unquestionably gotten brighter, with more and more shots in arms, anything resembling “normal” touring remains a ways off. Here, we look at a few tips for how to ease your band (and your audience) back into live music.
Start small: Rather than planning out a lengthy international tour (good luck with that) maybe start small, and plan out a shorter run - perhaps just a week or even a few days long - this will keep things low key, and allow you to test the waters without making any massive commitments.
Keep it outside: Across much of the US, we’re now entering the summer months, meaning outdoor concerts have once again become an option for fair weather fans. Given the data pointing to just how much safer outdoor gatherings are, holding outdoor concerts may allow you to draw in a larger audience and - as we all know - more ticket buyers = more money.
Stay humble: Depending on your level of success as an artist pre-pandemic, you may have to dial back your expectations as far as the scope of shows you’re likely to be able to play. Forget packed stadiums or even crowded clubs for a while, and maybe take the opportunity to play smaller, more intimate (within reason) venues
Go ‘big’: Maybe not in terms of audience size, but as the live music industry starts to emerge from hibernation, it’ll be a bit of a wild west situation out there for awhile, and could be a great time to shoot your shot, and maybe try to get a booking that would ordinarily be out of reach.
Don’t get discouraged: While things are certainly improving, it’s important to keep in mind that many of your go-to venues may have shut their doors, in many cases permanently, and the touring options may be leaner than ever. Still, it’s important to persevere, and remember the appetite for live music is stronger than ever!

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