How To Get The Financing Your Underground Band Needs To Travel On Tour
Before you can become a music success, you have to get recognized. You need to focus on getting your music out there. This will involve having to get creative with your funding options. Here are some ways to finance a tour for your band.
Find a Sponsor
Depending on the level of financing that you are seeking, a local business may be able to help you. Most local businesses would be able to offer a low level of funding. A larger company may be able to give you more money in exchange for advertising rights. Things to look for in a sponsor are that their company message is not at odds with your style of music. Negotiate the best deal so that both parties find the arrangement beneficial. Don’t consider using a sponsor that is asking for more than your band can provide. Consider checking online to find sponsors that may not live within your community. Sometimes larger companies are willing to fund your band if your audience is a good target for their products.
Investigate Grants
Look into the types of grants that may fit with the message of your music. Some grants may be a better fit for your band than others. For smaller bands, consider utilizing a non-profit style of grant. There would still need to be forms filled out. It can also require that certain goals and updates are submitted for continued funding. There are even some grants available that don’t require you to fill out any paperwork. For example, the Awesome Foundation gives up to a $1000 for any endeavor just because they like it. Many grants that are available for bands require that the band have the necessary tax status to qualify. This means that you would have to fill out the appropriate forms for the IRS to obtain a 501(c)(3) status. Check for any grants that are available for funding your band.
Consider Crowd Funding
This option would require a lot of effort on your part. There are websites available that allow you to set up an account where others can deposit money. You would still need to advertise your need. The best way to do this is to have a gimmick that catches people’s attention. Something that makes them want to fund your project over something else. Set a goal that is realistic. If you set it too low people may not be interested in helping you. Setting it too high can deter people because they think that you expect too much. Try offering free tickets to see your band perform in order to give people an incentive to give you money now. Or offer face time with you once your band has gained some popularity. Consider what would motivate people to donate to your project.
Get a Loan
Obtaining a loan is an option if no other solutions present themselves. Before taking out any kind of loan, it is important to remember that you are going to have repay this money plus any interest that has accrued. Look into several options, such as personal loans or payday loans, like those from Power Finance Texas in Dallas. Determine what the interest rate will be on your loan. It will benefit you to pay this loan back quickly. You might even want to consider using this loan just to get started. Once you have gained some momentum on your tour, consider using other types of funding. Getting some exposure could be what your band needs for sponsors to decide that they are willing to help cover your expenses. A loan is only a temporary solution for the long term funding needs of your band.
Be creative in finding ways to pay for your band’s tour. Consider some of these solutions to fund your band and help make it a success.

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