Learn The Secrets Of Writing A Catchy, Memorable Hook At SongwriterLink’s Webinar On 10/22/16
Want to learn the secrets of writing a catchy, memorable hook in just 90 minutes that you can use in your songwriting for the rest of your life?
No element of a song is more important than the melody – it’s what grabs us and keeps us coming back. Friedemann Findeisen, author of The Addiction Formula and founder of Holistic Songwriting, has been studying hit song melodies for over a decade. In this webinar on October 22, 2016 presented by SongwriterLink and Songwriting magazine, he’ll share the proven formulas and songwriting tools you need to write strong hooks every time.
[click here to register for the webinar]
In this webinar, you will:
- Learn the techniques hit songwriters use every day to write strong, catchy hooks
- Be provided with a logical, step-by-step approach to writing contemporary hooks
- Get your songwriting questions answered by Friedemann during the live Q&A session
- Have the opportunity to get live feedback on your hook during the webinar (when you select the “serious songwriter” package – see details here)
Registration for our webinar is now open, so make sure you grab your spot!
SongwriterLink members get a big discount on all registration packages for this webinar. Join for free at songwriterlink.com, then log into your account and you’ll see the promo code right on your account page.
Lisa Occhino is the founder of SongwriterLink, a free songwriting collaboration website that makes finding the perfect co-writer faster and more efficient than ever before. It’s the only website that uses matching engine technology – the same kind that dating websites use – to help find you exactly the type of songwriters you’re looking for. Whether you’re looking to score a publishing deal or want to collaborate just for fun, SongwriterLink’s matching algorithm will pair you up with other songwriters who share your same goals and passion.
Learn The Secrets Of Writing A Catchy, Memorable Hook At SongwriterLink’s Webinar On 10/22/16

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