Finding inspiration for songwriting: 7 techniques
As a musician, there are so many ways you can practice your craft and find the inspiration you’re looking for in songwriting. While it’s highly likely that at times in your creative journey the inspiration has come to you, there are plenty of other times when you may need to go out in search of it.
Everybody has their own methods of getting inspired — and yours will likely be unique just like your music is. While some techniques work better for certain people than they do for others, you can try out a variety of options to see which ones work best for you.
How Music Impacted Our Lives
Songs become a part of the story of our lives. Their lyrics linger inside of us. We recall those words, but what we remember isn’t what they meant to the person who wrote them. It’s what they mean to us. We relate their lyrics back to the events that have happened in our lives. We interject our personal narrative into their songs, and it feels as though they mirror our own memories and emotions.
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