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Entries in music survey (2)


Music Education (Or The Lack Thereof) In The US.

Music is so often overlooked and insulted- its sickening to me really. I resent that the world’s general idea or stereotype about a Musician, about the Artist. Their art and craft sometimes sneered upon and looked down upon as if we were all merely jesters or solely there for entertainment. I cannot do enough to urge the need for a swift shift away from that illogical way of thinking, not to mention ignorant.

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Avoid Failure Simply By Speaking To Your Audience

What elements might you say make up the perfect record label?

If you could have a label which did everything right, both internally and externally, what would it look like? How would it perform? What composite parts would form the basis?

I think to nail down such a tall order, you have to consider at least three key points of view. In order of importance they are…

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