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Entries in pricing (2)


4 Ways Concert Venues Can Change For The Better

Attending concerts is a pastime that people everywhere enjoy. While the experience of seeing one’s favorite artist live is one of the biggest appeals of a concert, a negative experience at a concert venue can make audience members think twice about returning to certain environments. With a few adjustments, concert venues can become much more welcoming and hospitable. Here are four ways concert venues can change for the better.

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8 Effective Strategies To Sell Your Music Online

For the average artist who finds it difficult to sell his/her music (hint: this is most artists) in the age of Spotify and Pandora, any attempts can often feel like a waste of time.

Below are 8 effective ways to make the most of your online merch store, digital music presence, and your relationship with die-hard fans. The following tips are not only useful, but when done right can lend themselves to a significantly greater income, a larger online presence, and stronger engagement with your fans.

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