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Entries in Songwriting Tips (17)


How Cultivating A Sense Of Wonder Helps Your Lyric Writing

Have you ever wondered what makes children the precious creatures that they are? Their sense of wonder is what makes them so majestic and imaginative. This sense of wonder is what makes them these creative little people that see the world in such a unique way that adults are often left curious as to what makes these little people go. If you are a parent, you may have even caught yourself wishing that you could just read your little one’s mind to see what they are thinking.

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How Songwriters Can Emotionally Connect With Their Audience

Dave Grohl, arguably one of the best songwriters of his generation, highlights the importance of being able to connect your songs to your audience. The best songs, and the longest lasting songs are the ones that are able to connect to listeners across generations, and across popular fads. But how can modern songwriters accomplish this? In today’s world, everything is constantly changing, and what people want from their music is constantly changing with it. By following these simple but yet helpful tips, you will find your songs become deeper, and more accessible to your audience.

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Make Your Lyrics Shine 

The human voice is one of the most powerful instruments in music. Lyrics are a critical piece of songwriting, and the process of writing these lyrics can be one of the most difficult tasks that any songwriter will encounter. Like any other art form, songwriting is a powerful way to communicate with an audience and evoke emotion or convey a message. However, only some songwriters manage to accomplish this task. So how do you make your lyrics shine?

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