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Entries in trademarks (4)


Legal Basics For DIY Artists And Musicians

Under US copyright law, copyright (literally, the right to make and sell copies) automatically vests in the creator the moment the expression of an idea is “fixed in a tangible medium” (in other words, the moment you write it down, type it or record it). With respect to music specifically, there are actually two copyrights: a copyright in the musical composition or song owned by the songwriter and a sound recording copyright in the sound of the recording owned by the recording artist (but usually transferred to the record company when a record deal is signed). It is important to remember that you own the copyright in your work the moment you write it down or record it, and you can only transfer those rights by signing a written agreement to transfer them. Therefore, you must be wary of any agreement you are asked to sign. 

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What Is A Trademark And What Are Trademark Rights?

A trademark is a name, slogan or logo which identifies someone’s goods or services and indicates source or quality. The purpose of a trademark is to identify and distinguish one person’s products or services from those of another. A trademark functions as a symbol of quality and goodwill. Trademark rights accrue to the owner of a mark based on the “use” of a mark and these rights vest in the first user of a mark when the mark is used in connection with the trademark owner’s goods or services. In other words, you own rights in your trademark from the moment you start using it to identify your products or services  These rights are applicable in the music business to the names used by rock groups, DJs, and rappers as well as by management, production and record companies.

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Registering Your Band Name, Phrase Or Logo

Are you a musician? Do you need to protect your band name or logo from counterfeit sellers on ecommerce platforms? In order to obtain nationwide protection, you should register your band name, phrase or logo with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

The registration process is relatively straight forward but can be time consuming. Generally, it takes approximately six months to a year before the trademark is registered.

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Legal Basics For The Diy World: Artists, Authors, Creators And Musicians

Under US copyright law, copyright (literally, the right to make and sell copies) automatically vests in the creator the moment the expression of an idea is “fixed in a tangible medium” (in other words, the moment you write it down, type it or record it on tape). With respect to music specifically, there are really two copyrights: a copyright in the musical composition owned by the songwriter and a sound recording copyright in the sound of the recording owned by the recording artist (but usually transferred to the record company when a record deal is signed). It is important to remember that you own the copyright in your work the moment you write it down or record it, and you can only transfer those rights by signing a written agreement to transfer them. Therefore, you must be wary of any agreement you are asked to sign. 

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