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Template for Writing a Music Business Plan

A few weeks ago I posted a blog on MTT Open on “How To Write a Music Business Plan”. In the comments section of that post, one of the readers suggested that I provide a template or example of a plan.

You can now download the free PDF, “Template for Writing a Music Business Plan”, here.

In addition, I will update my blog over the next few weeks with examples of the content expected in each section.

Please feel free to add to the comments section or email me at with any additional questions. Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you all soon!


Reader Comments (14)

Thank you so much!!!

August 4 | Unregistered CommenterCarl

"Musician’s who plan to release a record independently, are no exception."

Terrible punctuation in your opening paragraph does not inspire confidence in the text that follows... just a thought.

August 4 | Unregistered CommenterMog

@Carl You're Very Welcome!

@Mog Note taken. I hope you can get past an error in punctuation to find value in the rest of the post.

August 4 | Unregistered CommenterKevin English

It looks good. Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome @ Music Business College. Does your school offer a class on business planning?

August 6 | Unregistered CommenterKevin English

Good post. It would serve them well that entertainers, especially singers & musicians, should learn and understand the business side of their profession to better their career and avoid the scam artists.
Good luck in your own pursuits.
Ron @

December 8 | Unregistered CommenterRon

Thanks for reading Ron. As you can see, I'm very passionate about planning. I want artists to take the emotion out of the process just long enough to see if they actually have a viable business model. I'm not saying they should stop being creative forever, but they should at least know how much money it will take or what they can make perusing a professional career in the music business. I appreciate your comment. I wish you the best as well.

December 8 | Unregistered CommenterKevin English

This is some all-time classic shit right here. One of the best MTT posts so far.

Wonderful information. I will go to share this to my friends...

Email Database

May 9 | Unregistered CommenterCula

I got plenty of investors waiting and free business plan template from . There are many ways to start but be prepared.Best Wishes

January 4 | Registered CommenterBenny D

so glad I finally found this, a business plan template for musicians is exactly what I've been looking for, and what's more it's free!
thank you!

January 30 | Unregistered CommenterAlisonn

Very interesting site and articles. Really thankful for sharing. Will surely recommend this site to some friends! Regards,

Thank you for sharing this. Is there a word/editable template of this instead of the PDF? much appreciated!

August 28 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

Hello there, I'm a beginner at managing bands and I would like to download the pdf you uploaded, could you maybe send that to my email at somepoint? Thanks :)

July 6 | Unregistered CommenterSam Adgo

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