Tips for Celebrating Holidays While on Tour
Being a musician often means traveling—and lots of it. While you love being in a band and going on tour to share your music with appreciative fans, part of your heart stays at home with your spouse and kids. This is especially true for holidays and birthdays. While it is tough to be apart on any day of the year, on Mother’s Day or your baby’s first birthday, it’s especially gut wrenching.
Fortunately, with some pre-planning and creativity, it is possible to connect on special days and feel like you are still part of the celebration with your loved ones.
Remember Special Days with Gifts
A wonderful way to be part of your family’s holiday celebrations is by sending them meaningful gifts from the road. This not only gives you the chance to give them a token of your affection, it also helps to reassure your spouse and kids that you did not forget the special day. A great example of this is Mother’s Day—when you're not busy performing, take some time to pick out a special bouquet and some chocolate-covered strawberries that will be delivered right to her doorstep.
If your child is having a birthday while you are away, head to your nearest mall prior to leaving home and create a special stuffed animal for your kiddo at Build-A-Bear that includes a Build-A-Sound message; the recordable voice box lets you say, “Happy Birthday, Sweetheart” or whatever else you want to say. Then, on your child’s special day, he or she can hear your voice not only that morning, but at bedtime, and again and again until you get back home.
Consider Half Holidays
Another way to deal with being on tour during holidays is by postponing the celebration to a time when you are back home. Older kids who have a greater understanding of your musical career might be especially amenable to the idea of moving the special day to a different month. So if you always celebrate Father’s Day with a big family BBQ and pool party, decide to honor the special day one month later, or whenever you are back home. Of course, you will still want to check in with your family on the actual holiday, and you should still send a gift from the road, but there’s nothing wrong with delaying the in-person festivities until later.
Use the Power of Skype
You can still be part of holiday and special celebration meals by asking your family to set up a video chat session, or by using Skype. Plan a time that you’ll all be available and get your laptop charged up and ready for a nice face-to-face chat. Your spouse and kids can set up a laptop right on the dinner table and then enjoy talking with you during their meal. You can sing Happy Birthday to your child, wish your spouse a Happy Mother’s or Father’s Day, and enjoy seeing the smiling faces of your loved ones.
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