When to Release Your Album - Month by Month
It’s still technically winter-time at the time of writing this post, but before you know it, it’s going to be spring and there’s a good chance that you’re thinking of releasing a new album. I’ve read at least a dozen articles with people who make sweeping claims like “Don’t release in January” that quite honestly don’t have any idea what the hell they’re talking about. When you should release your album depends on A LOT of factors and there’s no simple reason why you should pick one month over another. It all has to do with what your plans are AFTER the release. Let’s take a look.
January Boom
In the last few years there has been a big push to get major label artists to release their music in January. For years, January was considered a dead zone in the industry because holiday sales were low and the chances of a record making it big and staying in people’s minds between January and the next big push of holiday sales was almost zero.
Having said that though, that opened up a new market for artists with staying power. Adele and a few other major names (Lana Del Rey, Arctic Monkeys, The Maccabees) knew that they had some clout and would be able to capitalize on the “lack” of new music in the January season to make marketing easier and cheaper to do.
Indie Advice: January is a pretty good month for indie music because music bloggers are fresh off the high that was “The best of the previous year” articles that they spent all of December posting and are looking for something new to talk about. Since bands don’t send them much right after the holidays, you’ll have a pretty good chance at getting placements. Having said that though, if your goal is to ride the Christmas-buying wave and you don’t have a STRONG following, releasing in January means you’ll be irrelevant by March and come year end, no one will even know your name.
February – May
Here’s where things start getting hairy. Spring is PRIME album release time for “indie” bands. I use the term “indie” loosely because here I’m referring to bands who are most likely to be playing festivals. Obviously, Adele doesn’t play festival gigs and is more of a mainstream artist than someone running the festival string. I digress.
Spring time is horrendous for competition. It’s when the new year is in “full swing” and bands are looking to get their records out so that they have something to push through spring and summer tours, as well as to help keep a band relevant to land festival gigs.
Indie Advice: If you’re thinking of releasing in this time period, you better be damn sure that you’ve got some money to break through the noise with. Blog advertising costs go up around February to May because big name artists are also going to be fighting for the same space as you. You’ve also got to worry about people’s listening span. With so many new records to listen to from big name acts, bloggers and fans will be a bit tough to sway to listen to your own stuff. Avoid Spring if at all possible. Release a single or a new video, but don’t let your whole record out just yet. Play some shows, sell your old CDs, build hype, etc.
June – August
Things start to calm down in the summer months (or winter if you’re in upside-down land. Aka Australia). But that still doesn’t mean it’s optimal time to put your record out. If blog coverage is your goal, there’s a good chance you won’t get a whole lot of love. Summer is festival season and blogs will be quite busy covering their favorite acts at big festival dates. Obviously, festivals don’t run the entire 3 months, but the bigger taste-makers tend to favor posting about bands who will be performing at festivals (because that’s the “news” of the stories and press releases that are sent to them).
Although, despite it being festival season, smaller blogs tend to have a harder time getting new content to write about. Although submissions still come in, because the bands that “matter” have already sent in their new album information, blogs are struggling for content if they can’t make it to Bonnaroo or CMJ in New York City.
Indie Advice: Summer is a solid time to release. Don’t expect to get a lot of placement on ForkPitch, but smaller blogs will be all-ears as usual. You can get away with releasing in the summer if you have the time to promote heavily. It’ll take a bit of extra attention to grab the ears of college students and young people who will be attending festivals. New music doesn’t stick very well in this time period because of how music-heavy the summer is to begin with, but you won’t be competing with bigger name acts for promotional space as much.
Finally, the winter season. As I mentioned earlier in the article, the winter months are generally best for major label artists trying to ride the holiday wave. Obviously, as an independent artist you’re probably not very worried about how well your album sells during a specific time of the year, but rather if it sells at all. September-December is ignored largely by independent artists because there’s no summer-touring involved, nor is there a winter tour they’ll be supporting either. Going out on the road when there’s snow on the road is generally a no-go for anyone, which is why September-December is the quietest period in the year for album releases.
Indie Advice: If possible, release your record in this period of time. Obviously, you won’t be able to go out on tour in support of the album, but because you’ll have your album broadcasting to open ears, you may be able to follow up with a single/EP release in the early part of the following year to tour behind. When you’re an indie, exposure is what counts the most in the beginning, so having a solid footing to build off of when you’re trying to compete for more/cheaper advertising space on social media sites is crucial. If this is your first or second album release, use the safety of September-December to build a repertoire with blogs about your music.
Touring Plans?
A lot of what is mentioned above is based around one thing: touring. If you’re an indie that’s looking to tour after the release of an album, then there’s a good chance your press release will contain tour information about what you’ll be doing following the release of your album. If your goal is to get more exposure for your tour, and in turn get blog readers interested in coming out to your show in town, then you should make your decision about when to send out your new-album press releases in regards to how good of a chance it has of being written about.
If you have no plans of touring then just about any of the above time slots will work. Obviously, take into account the fact that festivals and other factors will affect a blogger’s decision to cover you, but generally speaking, smaller bloggers (not the huge tastemaker ones likes Pitchfork, NPR, Paste, Obscure Sound etc) won’t have as much to cover during high-traffic music months.
Comments, as always, are welcomed and encouraged. If you have experience with success/failure during album releases, please let me know
David Roberts is the founder of the Sunshine Promotion company. Based out of Nashville, TN, his blog “Sunshine Promotion” at sunshinepromotion.info helps artists achieve real goals with hard facts, case studies, and templates of music business plans to follow.

Reader Comments (11)
GREAT info! I had suspecting some of this, but it's appreciated to have it articulated more specifically! Nice job!
Promoting to college radio can become a challenge during the summer months. Some stations go off the air and most are in the midst of changing Music Directors and other staffers.
You could actually use all the traffic the big dogs are creating during the peak times to your advantage by using a tactic called "NewsJacking". Basically you could blog about an artist with music similar to yours. Something like "5 Reasons My Music is Better/Similar/etc than ____".
I did a post on this a few weeks using the Grammy's as an example:
Interesting advice on releasing a project. I've always tried to release albums between September-January, and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks that's a good time.
Hey David,
I think this is a great post! As a digital distributor, we have a lot of artists that come to us with tracks and albums that they have already recorded. It has also become very common for a lot of the music to already be available on bandcamp, youtube, Facebook etc. before signing up with Red Nine Music for distribution.
From an artist perspective, if you have already been offering your music for free and now you can start making money off sales and streaming revenue, you are going to want to get it out to the retailers as soon as possible, which is totally fine with us as the distributor, but a good release strategy is crucial.
Artists need to consider, "What am I going to do prior to the release date to start promoting the track or album?" "Do I have a specific release date that would work well with a promotion? What events are happening around the time I want to release?" "What type of marketing will I have planned during pre-sale?"
Make a plan for what you intend to accomplish after the release date as well. Keep marketing, but find out ways to start incorporating promotions for upcoming projects so you are staying current.
A great example is one of the artists we work with named Kidd Upstairs. His style is awesome and he is really good at communicating with fans and getting feedback about tracks and albums. The release of his next mix tape, DMNDS 2, isn't until March, but we have been promoting it for nearly the past 10 months. If he puts out a single and gets coverage for that, he will plug DMNDS 2, he will release a music video for an older track and work in promotions for DMNDS 2 so that he is staying relevant with fans, but increasing that fan base at the same time.
Strategy is key and this post definitely makes a lot of sense. Be smart, come up with objectives, tactics, strategies and the sales will follow! Don't worry about pushing a release back a month or 2 if you are going to be able to put together a good plan that you will benefit from in the long run.
Marketing Director
Red Nine Music
I work for a collage radio in Germany. My expierience is nearly the same like yours. But the last few years the January had more releases than the following month.
I don't think this is steadfast as suddenly you'll have indies releasing music at the same time.
For instance, If you've got an album you want to release in June, you should be contacting the indie outlets now with advance tracks from the album. Most of these big indie outlets like PITCHFORK will cover indie acts year 'round. Not all the writers go to festivals.
Good points and disclaimers, David. I definitely noticed a lot of what you're describing over the past year, particularly the love affair most blogs have with music festivals. Focusing on media who are slightly more balanced in that regard can help artists get more press during those mass hysteria times. Whenever you release your album, have your network and relationship building done well in advance so it's more like having a series of conversations rather than frantically knocking on doors.
Nice info and nice blog! This is a blog everyone involved with audio production should follow!
Best regards
Really nice post provided through this post and as music marketing person i learned through this post which type of new albums released on which month.
Awesome blog! I thing there might be a info on best Rap songs and albums