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Entries in music blog (10)


Press Release: A Brash! Blog Birthday Celebration

Atlanta, GA – August 18, 2015 - BRASH! – A Music Marketing Blog began in August of 2011 with the notion of providing new/independent artists with music marketing knowledge to help advance their careers.. Since its beginnings, BRASH! has made a grand name for itself by sticking to its original notion along with giving independent artists exposure and displaying how the music industry is gaining innovation. Now celebrating its fourth year, BRASH! is looking to gain more ground to reach a broader audience, provide more content, and fulfill the vision of music marketing in the Indie music industry. “I remember sitting in an office cubicle writing blogs for this corporate company that I had no interest in. Then, I got the idea of writing my own, I wanted it to be helpful, I wanted it to be about music & entertainment, and I wanted it to be BRASH!” says founder/editor-in-chief E. Alexcina Brown. “My goal was to provide an outlet for great artists who were not fortunate enough to have that mainstream exposure.”

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Indie Music = REAL Music?

Where can we find quality music today?

It’s a no-brainer that the music industry has DRASTICALLY changed since some of our favorite mainstream artists began. These changes have created a domino effect on how music is made, distributed, marketed, and handled business wise. A lot of our beloved artists who were once signed to major labels have now started their own or joined independent labels. On the other hand, technology changes have had a grand effect on new indie artists who have hopes on getting picked up/signed by major labels OR continue their growth on the independent route

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BRASH! - A Music Marketing Blog

BRASH! – A Music Marketing Blog is designed to provide artists with knowledge of music marketing as well as various trends and hot topics within the Music Industry. The goal of BRASH! is to provide a different point of view on specific topics along with providing ideas for different avenues available to take in music career endeavors. This blog also give Indie Artists a chance to gain press by highlighting/featuring them with an exclusive interview in the “BRASH! Artist Spotlight” segment. Readers will have the ability to provide feedback as well as subscribe to interact and stay informed.

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BRASH! Magazine 2016

BRASH! - A Music Marketing Blog started in 2012. This blog was designed to provide music marketing tips for Independent Artists as well as provide a platform for exposure by giving exclusive interviews and social media promotions. In 2016, BRASH! is ready to expand to the magazine scene but we need your help. In order to bring this to life we are accepting donations to design, create, and develop a Music Marketing Magazine to increase exposure and awareness for quality Indie Artists. Funds raised will be used for staff memebers (writers, graphics artists, events etc.) as well as the development for the magazine’s platform, both online and print.


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A real blog for independent musicians - The Talent Meets Potential Project.

I have created a group on soundcloud where most of the featured songs come from. I had no idea that it would have 1600 submissions and almost 800 members after I haven’t posted for 2 months. The problem is I don’t have many followers - so if you could help spread the word so that I can provide a true platform for independent artists that deserve the exposure to get heard!

The soundcloud group can be found here -


I better get to it - I will keep it updated regularly from now on!


MusikFly: Makes it Easy to Submit and Receive Music

As a musician it is extremely important for your music to be heard by the right people. As a blogger, it is extremely important to discover artists and help them gain publicity as efficiently as possible. I recently launched a service, Musikfly that helps both the musician and blogger to acheive these goals. Right now there are limited options out there for music submissions. Musikfly offers a simple submission platform that can be embedded into a blogger’s site and used in place of email for their submissions. So when a musician goes to their favorite blog and wants to submit their music, they just click a link, connect to their soundcloud or youtube, and add the songs they want to submit. Then once sumbitted, instead of having a clogged email inbox, the blogger has a clean filtered submission feed where they can listen to the songs and learn about the artists all on the same page.  

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The Elements Of A Successful Music Blog Pitch

One of the most common questions I hear from musicians is how we get through to so many blogs sucessfully when pitching them? Below, I’ve outlined the format both my co-author Todd Thomas and I have used to pitch countless bands to blogs. Todd has employed this format when pitching successfully to tons of huge blogs that has gained his group Sensual Harassment coverage on Pitchfork, Vice, etc. 

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Amplage: 0.7 Push Your Music 2/4: The Blogosphere

The blogosphere although a more aged form of an internet influence is one that still holds its purpose on the internet ecosystem.

Why pushing your music into the blogosphere will help.

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Do You Really Need A Music Review?

Should you really go through the trouble of setting up a press kit, finding good music blogs, and submitting your music for a (Possibly negative) review?  The answer is a big, giant … maybe.  It all depends on the kind of music promotion you’re seeking.  So many artists will spend untold hours blindly sending EPKs out to hundreds of music blogs thinking that the resulting publicity will cause their popularity and career to skyrocket.  It’s a bit naive. (Some might call it stupid)  The reality is that the vast majority of music reviewing websites have a dedicated, but extremely small readership.  Most of the traffic to these sites comes from other musicians looking to promote their own music, and other music industry professionals. Simply sending all your music out will not by itself do much to benefit you, even if you are reviewed by several blogs.

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How To Get Your Music Posted In Hip Hop Blogs

A brief guide on increasing your chances of getting your music posted in Hip Hop Blogs. Sample pitch letter included

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