11 Killer Content Ideas For Musicians To Get More Fans On Social Media
This post was written by Lisa Occhino and originally appeared on the Bandzoogle Blog
As a musician, you surely understand what a crucial role social media marketing plays in getting more fans for your music, but actually figuring out the kind of content you need to post can be confusing. What it all boils down to is finding the right balance for the specific audience you’re trying to build.
There’s no exact science to it, but it’s safe to say that for every self-promotional post you publish, you should have many more brand-building posts. These posts can take on a variety of forms, but the common thread is that they all get fans to pay attention, become interested, trust you, engage with you, and only then will they take action when they see a self-promotional post.
Check out these 11 easy content ideas to get more fans for your music through social media, and let us know in the comments below if you’ve seen success with any of them!
1. Themed posts
It’s easier for your content to get discovered by potential new fans when you take advantage of themes that already have popular hashtags associated with them. Start populating your band’s social media channels with relevant posts for commonly searched hashtags like #MotivationMonday, #MusicMonday, #ThrowbackThursday, and #SundayFunday.
Experiment with a bunch of different themes and pay attention to the ones that do the best job of attracting new followers and resonating with your existing fans.
2. Educational and thought-provoking posts
There are many ways you could approach this, but the key is that you’re sharing high-quality posts that are some combination of interesting, helpful, educational, valuable, useful, relevant, and thought-provoking for the audience you want to attract.
For instance, if a big aspect of your branding involves representing yourself as an LGBT ally, you may want to share an insightful article on recent progress the movement has made.
3. Throwback posts
Share content that gives insight into who you are and where you’re coming from. You could make fans laugh with a funny baby picture that shows your personality from a young age, or you could post a #TBT photo of you in Rome and bond with fans over your passion for travel.
Whatever it is, give people a way to connect with you on a personal level, which is just as important as your music when it comes to gaining true fans.
4. Behind-the-scenes posts
People love seeing what bands do when they’re not onstage. Share behind-the-scenes photos, videos, and stories that illustrate your life as a musician. If you’re going on the road, consider creating a tour diary in the form of a blog or vlog. If you’re in a writing session or in the studio, share pictures and short clips on Snapchat or Instagram Stories.
5. Short videos
Did you know that Facebook users watch a whopping 100 million hours of video every single day? If you’re not already regularly uploading videos to your band’s Facebook page, you’re missing out on a really effective way to get more fans for your music.
The key is to keep it short, yet interesting. The next time you want to announce a new single, album, tour, live-stream event, or big performance, whip up a simple one- or two-minute video and post it directly on Facebook.
6. Inspirational and motivational posts
If you’re stumped on how to fill a few gaps in your social media calendar, you really can’t go wrong with sharing an inspirational or motivational quote. These always perform well and are very shareable, which will drive more attention to your social media channels.
7. Interactive posts
Anything that encourages engagement and facilitates a two-way conversation can help you win over new fans for your band. There are dozens of interactive posts you can try, but some of the most effective ones include polls, contests, giveaways, questions, fill-in-the-blank posts, and “caption this” photos. Not only are they fun for your fans, but you’re also building your brand in the process!
8. Funny posts
How often do you find yourself scrolling through your social media feeds simply to find something that will make you laugh or brighten your day? If people who are into your music also associate your band with positive feelings, you can bet you’ll turn them into fans. Share a funny band photo, a meme, witty commentary on a trending topic, or simply an article that you found hysterical and want to share.
Be careful not to oversaturate your feed with these kinds of posts, though. There’s a fine line between tastefully throwing them in on occasion, and posting them incessantly to gain attention.
9. Supportive posts
Isn’t it awesome when musicians support each other? Show some love to your friends in other bands and share posts of theirs that you think your fans would care about. Chances are, your musician friends will return the favor and tell their fans to check you out, too.
10. Live streams
Live streaming has blown up this past year, and it’s only going to get bigger. Whether you’re streaming a performance from your hometown or you’re hosting a fan Q&A, this is a huge opportunity to build your fanbase.
Facebook Live and YouTube Live are two easy, popular options, and Twitter just rolled out an update that allows you to broadcast live video directly from the app (no need to separately download Periscope anymore).
11. Promotional posts
You can make your promotional posts feel as authentic and genuine as the rest of your social media content – it’s all in the delivery! Make sure these posts are still in your voice and include a compelling visual.
Experiment with different approaches so that your feed doesn’t get repetitive. For instance, if you’re trying to get the word out about your new EP, your posts could look like this:
Straightforward announcement with a clear call to action
A positive press quote about the EP
A fun bit of trivia about how or where it was recorded
You won’t know what resonates with your fans until you try it!
Want more social media tips? Check out:
How to Get More Fans on Twitter
How to Get More Fans with Facebook
How to Get More Fans on Instagram
How to get More Fans on YouTube
Lisa Occhino is the founder of SongwriterLink, a free songwriting collaboration website that matches you up with exactly the kind of co-writers you’re looking for. She’s also a pianist, award-winning songwriter, and graduate of Berklee College of Music.

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