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Artists Have No Time to Look at Selfie

“Selfie” was added to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary last year. I get that this is a curiosity bestowed by one’s vanity. Just how many times people can look at themselves, and what they are thinking post-look, is what I don’t get.
“Try requesting shots of you onstage from those in the room you’re playing. Use the best for promotional pics.”

With all there is to learn, how is it possible to spend time dwelling on this past - a picture of yourself? Note: I’m not saying “no” to all selfies, but suggesting we might shake off some of this past year’s infatuation with snapping, and sharing, one more arm’s-length photo of you staring into a cellphone. There are better things to do.

Artists have so many opportunities woven into so much new competition. A rational look at good places to spend time is in deciding which digital discipline to master of the dozens available. Social media’s a given, though you probably understand little about how to best use it efficiently and effectively. Email? Ditto. There’s also data base management, to keep better contacts or grow and manage your list of contacts.

Try requesting shots of you onstage from those in the room you’re playing. Use the best for promotional pics. You’ll need to receive 100 to get 1 that’s superior in composition and lighting - what I call a “wow pic” for promotion.

There’s not enough time for you to waste on taking or viewing a selfie, so here’s hope this narcissistic fad fades in 2015. It’s time to get down to the serious business of building your career.

My list of web sites claiming to help indie artists is now 63 strong. Each service requires effort to understand. Instead of staring at a selfie, try digesting what’s on this list. It mentions various digital disciplines that you either need to understand or pay someone else to do for you. (And know that I just scratched the surface in the number of companies with similar claims.)

Quotes come from each company’s web site.

“The aim of ********** is simple, to save musicians time and hassle when sending their material to music companies.”

“********** is a music licensing technology company that provides highly curated, culturally-relevant music for your projects”

“Artists: sell your music & merch directly to your fans.” - “We’re a publishing platform for bands.”

“The most powerful band website platform”

“Here you will find the most in depth database and analysis of the ********** music industry, both for music fans and professionals…”

“We’re working with musicians to build a free and open platform of tools they need to control their own careers.”

“…the best independent music store on the web”

“We provide a direct radio promotion service to make your music available to radio station DJs”

“********** offers one-stop synch licenses for use in online video productions, apps and small office - home office usage, co-founded by artist…”

“…to automate much of the traditional PR process and maximize client placement with new media makers.”

“Design, authoring, mastering, distribution, web services, and a whole lot more.”

“********** is podcasting/blogging network specializing in marketing and promotion of ********** Music.”

“********** offers multiple Campaigns providing FM Radio Airplay, PR and World Wide Marketing services to all genres of music.”

“Your #1 Online DJ Network!”

“********** enables creators to sell directly to their audience — so that they can make a living doing what they love.”

“Your song will be submitted to over 7000 radio stations, including; Major FM (**********) stations, **********, **********, **********, **********, **********, **********, **********, **********, **********, and **********.

Create a promotional message to reach new audiences on Facebook and Twitter.

“The ********** keeps track of what music bloggers write about.”

affiiated with ********** Radio

“Get your music discoverved and start climbing the charts.”

“…focus on finding and directing opportunities to musicians like indie radio, bloggers, online magazines, interviews and ep/cd reviews using a large network of like minded professionals who all work together in a cross promotion agreement.

“Artists you need to know, music you need to hear!”

“we post the latest daily news on indie music - making music and listening to it.”

“********** is a 40-year veteran of the music business…”

“********** has expanded from its publishing base into Label Services and Neighbouring Rights collection”

“Collaborate with musicians across the world or across the street.”

“music crowdfunding expert”

“Our community acts as a virtual sales force for an enormous pool of independent artists.”

“While most independent distributors reach only 45-50 retailers despite charging needless monthly and yearly fees, ********** reaches over 750 retailers

“…and mobile partners in over 100 world regions without any monthly or yearly fees.”

“I created this marketplace with the intent that do it yourself (DIY) musicians and bands can hire a virtual team to help with routine tasks…”

“We aggregate and analyse all music related information available on the web.”

“Built specifically for musicians and music professionals - ********** has profiles from over 40 music industry categories.”

“Our focus is to also help up-and-coming artists.”

“Share your music your way”

“********** is a community-maintained open source encyclopedia of music information.”

“Enhanced tools and features for independent artists.”

“…doing reviews of both the live shows that I attend and any music that I hear that kicks ass in any way. Also, along with periodic rants and humorous observations…”

“********** provides an easy way for musicians to contact musicians, find gigs and bands, search for the latest music related job or employment…”

“********** Team runs professional campaigns submitting you to magazines, radio, labels and more.”

“********** tracks more data for more bands online than anyone else in the world.”

“Artists sign up, then upload their music to create their custom ********** widget.”

“The premier online social platform and leading destination for discovering new music.”

“The most creative and engaging way to get your music to your fans.”

“********** is a leading UK music PR, music promotion and digital marketing agency.”

“Guaranteed airplay on internet radio”

“With more than 5600 member radio stations, music reviewers and club DJs looking for the newest releases in our digital stacks…”

“********** is a powerful interface that allows artists and record companies to deliver crucial artist information to a variety of media outlets, including AM / FM radio, TV, print and digital destinations.”

“This site is dedicated to radio airplay, promotion and public relations for independent and major artist.”

“Our wide array of distribution and promotional solutions provide the hands-on tools and actionable insights that allow musicians and industry professionals to reach their goals…”

“********** is an online music distribution service providing artists instant access to a large proportion of the online market.”

“Our apps help you engage with customers by allowing them to interact with music and audio they love…”

“********** is an alternative to Collecting Societies and Performance Rights Organizations such as SIAE, SACEM, GEMA, ASCAP, BMI, STIM, BUMA/STEMRA & more.”

“Expand your fanbase and attract more interest”

“We support you by creating your own webpage on this site.”

license the use of music

“********** are talking QR codes that let you add a recorded audio message to just about anything.”

“Make money selling your music, film & tickets directly to fans”

“The best way to sell your music on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify & more.”

“We built a technology platform for delivering education and career development from industry legends…”

“Fast, easy, and free access to the exploding world of underground music.”

“********** is a unique music competition designed for solo artists, bands, and singers all over the world who are not signed to a major label record company or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or imprints.”

“Let’s give the struggling bands & DJs what they deserve. A platform….they truly deserve…..”

— Ken Dardis


Audio Graphics, Inc.

RRadio Music
Audio Graphics

Reader Comments (1)

If taking a selfie requires time and effort from you, if taking selfies keeps you from doing other more important activities, then it's likely you have issues that are more serious and that might require professional help. Otherwise you're talking about an issue that doesn't exist. There's no difference between a selfie and a "normal" photo. They both can be lame and useless, and they both can be cool/clever and be used effectively for the promotion of anything you want. A selfie doesn't have to be a shirtless picture of yourself taken in the bathroom. A selfie doesn't even have to look like a selfie. A selfie is not always the result of one's vanity or narcissism. I know the following comparison is absurd, but Van Gogh painted around 36 self-portraits over a period of 10 years, and no one seems to be accusing him of being vain and shallow. That's because he wasn't. People who look down on selfies, as if they were something you shouldn't do, are usually people who don't feel comfortable taking pictures of themselves, and who think this is something natural to feel, probably because there's something wrong with it. Selfies mean nothing, take not effort, require no extra time, and could be used effectively to promote your work. But I'm not saying selfies cannot be lame, many of them are.

January 7 | Unregistered CommenterCesar

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