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Entries by Billy Saefong (5)


Strategies To Avoid Practice Paralysis

Home quarantine has significantly changed my daily routine.  At first I thought all the extra time at home would get me to practice my singing way more.  I quickly found that the pandemic left me scrambling to go virtual with my regular work and frequently paralyzed when it came to my personal singing practice and creative projects. Regular singing and music helps my overall mood and is a huge tool for managing my wellness.  I found myself in a vicious cycle of feeling low energy and not doing the very thing that usually helps turn my mood around.  In this blog I’m going to discuss some strategies I created for myself and my students to break through what I call musical pandemic paralysis.  

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Food & Drink For Singers - Do's And Dont's

It’s essential for any musician to keep their instruments in good condition. But it’s even more important if you’re a singer, because that instrument is something internal. There are many more variables, and health is tied in too.

Food and drink consumption are enormous factors in this. What you put into your body on the day of a performance is key, in terms of how you feel, how your body responds, the effect on your throat, or airways, and so on.

Here are some of the food and drink items that most help or hinder your singing voice:

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5 Tips For Playing Live For The First Time

Playing live is an experience that can be nerve-wracking, intense, and a highly-charged experience. So it’s really important to make sure that you harness and use these feelings in a positive way, to your advantage. 
The list below offers tips, advice, and things to consider to ensure that your first experience playing live goes as smoothly as possible. This means you can focus and put your energies into performing well and having fun, not into worry and anxiety.
You’ll notice that every tip in the list begins with the word ‘prepare’. This is because preparation is the key to success in this area. Preparation brings confidence, certainty, self-assurance, readiness, and everything else important in playing live as well as you can. So get ready!

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How Many Spotify Streams Do You Need To Afford An Iron Man Suit?

You Need To Get 2,521,621,250,000 Streams On Spotify To Buy An Iron Man Suit. That is according to this Spotify Song Streaming Calculator.

It’s not a secret that musicians are paid very little on popular streaming services like Spotify, Pandora and even Apple Music. The pay is so little there are even rumblings of a potential “Musician’s Union,” as reported by Rolling Stone.

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Why (And How) To Practice In Gig Conditions

Today I’m going to share with you a pretty major secret of great guitar practice (or any instrumental/vocal practice really). As you may have guessed from the title, it’s to practice in gig conditions!

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