Everyone Wants To Build Their Fanbase
I ask everyone who joins my email list at HTSR what the single, biggest, most important thing that they are worried about or trying to do when they are making or releasing music, and here’s a selection of responses (these are actual quotes):
“I want to increase my fan base, but don’t know how to do it”
“I’m hoping to leverage my at least some of my followers into supporting my music when that time comes”
“how to get the best reach”
“maximum exposure”
“I would like to get a wider audience online”
“how can I generate more track sales?”
“My biggest concern is gaining an audience”
“I’m worried about how to get a decent chunk of people to hear my music”
“I want to be able to reach people outside my network who like my kind of music”
“I just want people to hear my music”
“I’m worried that I won’t be able to get my music ‘out there’ efficiently enough on my own.”
“People. Reach people. Lots of people.“
“I’m terrified that it’ll just be ignored once I release my music”
“I really want to grow a fan base so I can eventually make a living from this.”
“I want to get the music out to as many people as realistically possible”
“how can I build a fan base and get noticed”
“I’m hoping to get real listeners.”
As you can see, loads and loads of people are looking for the same thing: They want to build their fanbase.
I, myself have also been working on this - namely, a solution which I think actually works for a change. I’ve been using it for my own music and production, and having set it up and left it a few months, I’ve accrued a couple of thousand fans with very little input (after that initial setup of course).
I figured I’d write up the entire process as best I could, and I ended up spending months writing a huge 50+ page PDF document which covers everything.
So basically… I can show you how to build your fanbase. (hooray!)
You may feel like you’re struggling to build your own fanbase.
You may also feel like your music is going unnoticed.
I expect even with followers, you’re stuck with how to turn those followers into buyers.
Maybe you’re l even looking for those first 1000 fans.
My solution is here:
Build Your Fanbase
Find fans, grow your audience and turn followers into buyers.
Most independent musicians are missing an obvious and simple way to grow their fanbase, engage with them easily and then turn those fans from free-streamers into eager buyers.
There’s a brilliant way to get your own easy system set up which will bring you targeted fans. You won’t even need a record label to get your music out there, when you’re done. You can just release music direct to your fans and keep all the profits.
Right now, loads of new musicians are missing out on hundreds and thousands of fans that they could be engaging with and turning into superfans.
Having this sort of thing set up and ready to rock means you’re not wasting time trying to release music on Bandcamp to nobody, or putting music onto Spotify and discovering nobody has listened to it.
If you’re mad-keen you can get it directly here for just $27
It will never be this affordable again – the cost will only ever go up in future.

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