
How To Write A Hit: 5 Psychological Tricks
When you’re sitting down at the piano or the guitar and getting ready to write a new song, it’s often difficult to know where to start. If you watch interviews with well-known songwriters, you start to notice that half of them have no idea how they do it. They just sit down at their instrument and see what happens.
It’s true that there’s an art to songwriting, but that doesn’t mean that there’s no room for science. In fact, people are constantly carrying out research to try to identify what makes a song successful, with the idea being that if they can identify what works and what doesn’t, they can do more of the former and less of the latter.
With that in mind, we’ve put in the research for you and compiled five of the most effective psychological tricks to help you to write a crazy hit song. Let’s go.
Tell a universal truth
One of the best ways to get noticed as a songwriter is to pen something that speaks to a universal truth. For example, Give Peace a Chance is a super simple song with a powerful message that ensured that it was shared around the world. Another great example is Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) by Beyoncé, which was such a hit because so many people were able to relate to it. If you can convey a universal truth through your lyrics and the way the song is delivered, you’ll have an army of fans on your hands in no time.
Get the hook right
A hook is a tune or a set of lyrics which is designed to “hook” the listener and to get them to remember it. If you’ve ever got part of a song stuck in your head, the chances are that you were thinking of the hook. A great example of a hook is the chorus of Mmmbop by Hanson, which gets stuck in people’s heads despite not actually meaning anything. Another great example is “She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah”, a simple but memorable line from The Beatles. The bottom line is if you want to be remembered, you need a good hook.
People rarely get it right first time. If Paul McCartney had kept the original lyrics, Yesterday would have been called Scrambled Eggs. That’s why it’s important to tweak and refine your work, and one of the best ways to spot potential improvements is to get a second pair of eyes. Tools like Superior Papers, Grammarly, WhiteSmoke, and ProWritingAid can all help you to make sure that you’re nailing the grammar and using the right words. Many of them will also allow you to hire a professional writer to give you a hand.
Make the title work for you
If you don’t have a strong title then people aren’t going to remember it and seek it out on Spotify or ask for it from a radio station. The title should summarise what the song is about and be referenced within the lyrics to help listeners to remember it. There are exceptions to this rule, like Blur’s Song 2, but the vast majority of hit songs repeat the title throughout. Only break the rule if you’ve got a good reason for it.
Make it timeless
There’s a reason why some songs stick around in our memory while others are quickly forgotten. The most timeless songs are the ones with music and lyrics that don’t just follow trends but which contribute something new and unique to the musical marketplace. A great example of a timeless song is Angel by Robbie Williams, which could easily have been written in the 1960s and which will still resonate with listeners in hundreds of years. The Beatles recorded more timeless tunes than almost anyone else. That’s probably why there are so many covers.
There’s no exact formula for writing a hit song, but if you follow the tips in this article then you’ll be off to a good start. Remember that the best way to write a hit song is to stick to your guns and to write to your strengths. Write songs that only you can write. Make your voice heard instead of trying to imitate someone else’s. You’ll be churning out those hit songs in no time.
Joan Selby is a creative writer and social media marketer. In her free time, Joan enjoys playing the guitar and sonwriting. Drop her a line on Twitter or Facebook!
Artist Development,
Songwriting tagged
Songwriting Tips,
write a song

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