
3 Scientific Examples That Music Is Good For Health
Music is an amazing form of art. No other way of transmitting information could overcome all possible barriers: language, age, nationality… But do we all know about it?
Modern scholars believe that music is not just art, because it affects not only our consciousness, but also our body.
Music is an amazing form of art. No other way of transmitting information could overcome all possible barriers: language, age, nationality… But do we all know about it?
Modern scholars believe that music is not just art, because it affects not only our consciousness, but also our body.
Music makes a person smarter
Music activates the most diverse parts of the brain, we memorize texts and motifs. It is well known that different melodies and rhythms cause different emotions. Moreover, music allows you to restore the function of the brain in cases of craniocerebral trauma.
On musicians, especially those who started playing in their childhood, music affects even more. So, one of the studies on this topic, showed that the study of music contributes to the sustainable development of non-verbal thinking. The musician’s brain has a large number of connections between the hemispheres. Music also helps to do your homework better and faster, like!
Sad music raises the mood
But the study, published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, showed that sad music acts on a person not as expected. Scientists have found out that such tracks cause two types of emotions: recognizable and experienced. Although the music was perceived by the subjects as tragic, when listening to it they did not fall into depression. In fact, people experienced a wide range of emotions, there was a place even for romantic and quite joyful feelings.
Music helps with physical activity
Music increases endurance and helps to spend resources more efficiently under physical stress. Thus, the study “Let’s Get Physical: The Psychology of Effective Workout Music” shows that riding a bike to music allows you to spend 7% less oxygen than without it.
The frequency of beats per minute (BPM) in a song has a motivational effect, however, up to a certain limit. The ceiling is 145 beats per minute, faster melodies are no longer capable of motivating. In some cases, the speed of the words of the song begins to displace the melody: that’s why many prefer to work under musical accompaniment with rhythmic lyrics, hip-hop for example. Music heals, that’s true.
Music Therapy tagged
music health,

Reader Comments (1)
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