Keep Shooting High-Definition Music Video and Related Material
Here’s another reason to shoot high-definition video that’s connected to your music-related ventures: Demand for short, interesting, compelling, non-explicit, music-infused, high-quality, high-def content is going to be driven by the digital signage industry.
I have been doing some work for a venture that’s focused on digital signage. Here are some stats to consider:
- Digital signage is going to be an explosive growth (exposure) opportunity - with over 500-million connected screens predicted to be in the market by 2013.
- The combination of all the impressions generated by all the connected digital signs - already makes digital signage one of the largest impression-generating networks on earth.
Since the average exposure (time) to digital signage is relatively short, music videos are perfect for digital signage loops. Expect new mass-exposure opportunities to grow out of the digital signage networks over the next twenty-four months.
Question: Do any MTT readers have high-quality music videos that they feel are under exposed?
About Bruce Warila
Reader Comments (14)
I have a video that was shot it pretty high quality and it was definitely under exposed http://vimeo.com/2983644 but I agree with the fact that artist shouldn't stop creating high quality digital content
Alot of the reading I've done on the subject of digital content suggests that low-fi content is just as useful? Actually better as it seems to spread faster virally for what ever reason. Would you agree or do you think this is a thing of the past?
I've got a couple of underexposed vids check 'em here: http://theblackseeds.blogspot.com/2009/10/usa-tour-video-final.html and here: http://theblackseeds.blogspot.com/2009/09/us-tour-doco-2.html.
Here's a pretty good one that my band did earlier this year.
@ Steph,
The advice I get is: shoot in the highest resolution possible and then transcode down. You can't go the other way..
That is the most perfect advice ever - so simple and yet I never thought of it!
Thanks Bruce - you're a star!
One and a half year ago I started my Morning Tune Ups - videos of improvised music that I play in the morning in my studio. I didn't manage to record daily, but I recorded 212 episodes until today. All of them are on youtube and in my blog. The original quality ids DV, but they are downsized for youtube. Videos are at www.morningtuneup.de
This is our video for "About Last Night" please let us know what you think we would love to talk more...contact us anyway possible. www.myspace.com/thealumniclub www.twitter.com/thealumniclub thealumniclub@yahoo.com
We did this video a few weeks ago:
Actually has been featured on the front page of muchmusic.com for over a week now to our complete surprise. We definitely realize the demand for HD video and associating music with videos even more so than it's ever been. Something to think about...
Ever had a crap day, yup we all have had one, this song is a punk dedication to those days. Just cut and paste into your browser and have fun :-)
But yeah to be on topic, I love music videos...it is cheaper and cheaper to make some very good quality DIY vidz and high res is definately recommended for every band. My band has been doing this for about 2 years already
1st full-length DIY video by WHAT? according to Whateverism EP
just 1 HD cam / 12 times played the song.
Just found this site-- love it! Thanks so much for all the good info.
One of my bands (The Longwalls) recently shoot a video with a burgeoning film studio in Massachusetts. It's great quality and a lot of fun.
You can check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBvmxC084fc
The song is called Zombies! and since it was sort of Halloween-themed the studio held the premiere until Friday the 30th.. which was disappointing to me as it would have been better having it my hands a week earlier to make it available to blogs and such doing Halloween themed content. Instead, by the time we had the video in our hands many had already moved on. I think we left a fair amount of exposure on the table. But I'm still trying...
FWIW, here's a link to some tips (some obvious, some less-so) on how to make the most of your video: http://1timstreet.com/blog/ebooks/
thanks again for all the good stuff.
brandon (@calmstock)
thanks for share
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I'm a big fan HD Quality. HD Quality iis amazing display.. Love it. Wanna collections some HD Music Video you should try this ? HD Music Video