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Entries in melody (3)


Chord Melodies

Consider how to compose melodic parts based on which chord progression and which parts will be used in harmony. In order to make your melody sound as harmoniously as possible, interesting, there is one secret that you can use to get a more accurate mood in your tracks and arrangements you can use chord progression generator

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How Imagine Dragons Writes Memorable Melodies

What gets us to remember a tune?

Have you ever remembered a song well enough to sing along to it the next time you heard it? Maybe you didn’t know the words, but you could at least hum along. Or have you ever played “name that tune”? What made you win some rounds so easily and yet lose others? One answer lies in how, precisely, the melody is set up.

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Yes, There ARE Rules for Songwriting

Professional songwriters are not “artists.” They are craftsmen. They know the rules and play by them. I understand this might sound a little icky to a lot of people, but remember this one thing: every song that has made a lasting impact on the career of its performing artist has been carefully crafted to have this exact effect.

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