
Turn Your CD into a Kick-Ass Marketing Tool
Many new bands today do not pay that much attention to how their album looks. They’re content with just having a nicely burned disc and decent artwork- the cheaper, the better. Well, we cannot blame them. There are millions of bands sprouting everyday and everyone is doing all the hustle on the Internet- viral videos, music downloads, compelling websites, you name it. Their competitors are using these tech for free! Why should they spend hundreds of dollars more for their CD artwork? Isn’t it enough that they have a CD?
What most bands do not know is that the CD packaging can be a good marketing tool. If you believe in the marketing power of the CD and you want to exhaust its marketing potential, here are the things you should include in your packaging to enhance its marketing power:
QR Code
They are the little black & white checker-box images that are popping up on posters, kiosks, signs, everywhere. The QR code is scannable through iPhone, Android, or camera-enabled smartphone. One of the more useful functions for QR codes in music promotion is to link directly to digital content that enhances the message on your show poster or flyer. If a buyer doesn’t know about your band yet they’re curious of your album because of its handsome packaging, they can just scan the code.
Put Your Website URL on every Page
I wonder why there are some bands of today who forget to put their URL on their CD packaging or booklets. It’s not 1999, folks. Put your web address on all the pages of your booklet and make sure they are visible by using the correct font and color. Place it at the bottom of each page of your booklet but make sure it’s not too big or else people would think you’re trying too hard.
Include a Download Code
You may include freebies like a download code to your unreleased songs or a special online game or even behind the scenes photos if you think your crowd is interested enough. If you don’t think you’re famous enough for those gimmicks, try having a contest or raffle. There are many ways to do this but make sure it’s very visible. I suggest you include a scratch off section which, when scratched with a coin, reveals the download code or their price.
Posters Still Work
Posters are so 90s but it’s still a great way to market your band. The kids that bought your CD will probably stick your poster to their walls or bring them to school. Their fellow kids would see your poster and maybe check out your band. Plus, it is a good way to lure them to buy your CD. If you put “free poster inside”, they’re more likely to purchase your album because it has the word FREE on it.
Kick- Ass Packaging
Do not just pick a random artwork. Instead of scrimping too much on your CD packaging so that you’ll have budget for traditional marketing, why don’t you realize that CD packaging itself can be a great marketing tool. That if you just make it so compelling, it would create a buzz. It’s something the blogs and the papers would like to feature because it is visual. People love that. People love to get something more than music from musicians.
Your CD packaging should be given enough thought and its capacity to impress people should never ever be underestimated. Visit to get more advice and options for packaging your album.
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Reader Comments (7)
Nice post...
An excellent call to action for those bands looking to build their brand and stand out. Some great advice in this article - I've been covering music branding/design through RokRiot for almost two years now, and whether it be packaging, website design, apps or stage presence, it's important for bands to put time and thought into their marketing - it pays off in the end.
Packaging is most important. I think the resurgence of vinyl has made it all too clear. And download codes are also always welcome and they are quite cheap...
QR codes are out. And it's like sh!tting all over your package design.
I've got 6 songs on my website: I think I did a good job of package design for each song CD jacket. Check it out. Absurdative music on - Don't miss it!
I've just released my 6th CD called Missing You.
You are invited to check out some sweet sounds!
"Working to make the world a better place - one song at a time."
AJ Jordan just released a nationwide hip hop debut with his New CD entitled "The Sentimental Situations" from Buffalo New York. Check it out at