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Entries in music health (6)


Miracles In Medicine Explained By Sound Science

Beyond ‘placebo effect’ are special healing vibrations carried by sound and light from the heart of patients and caregivers transmitted through ‘structured water’ and DNA, concludes the author.

Positive attitudes of patients and caregivers, heart-felt loving intentions too, radiate a special ‘LOVE frequency’ evidenced to be 528nm/Hz,’ explains Harvard-trained science scholar, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. He credits this ‘good vibration’ for impacting patients most positively and powerfully as the source of their miraculous recoveries.

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Why Music Brings Pleasure: Demystified

In fact, composers of symphonies, rock / pop music, soundtracks and TV ads all know how to tune into the mood of their audience through musical notes and cadences that can alternate between expressions of disparate feelings: from sadness to depression, to feelings of euphoria, joy and joviality.

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10 Surprising Benefits Of Classical Music

Did you know that listening to classics like Bach and Beethoven is actually good for your health? Many people enjoy listening to classical music while studying or working, and now we know why!

From decreasing your blood pressure to improving your memory, research has proven that listening to classical music is associated with better physical and mental health in the following ways.

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How To Prevent And Deal With Arthritis As A Musician

Arthritis is a chronic condition that can jeopardize your career as a musician, but it doesn’t have to be so serious if you learn how it works and prevent major symptoms. In this post, we described the most common types of the disease and explained how to deal with it.

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Four Ways That Music Actually Makes You Healthier

You know that feeling you get when you hear the first few chords of your favorite song? You know how all of your stress seems to melt away, your mind goes to a happier place and time and suddenly, anything that ails you seems a little less pressing? You might think it’s just because the jam is really great, and that’s part of it. However, there’s more to it. Neuroscientists have actually shown that listening to music is good for our whole body and can make both healthier and happier at the same time. Let’s check out four benefits you could reap the next time you spin that favorite record.

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3 Scientific Examples That Music Is Good For Health

Music is an amazing form of art. No other way of transmitting information could overcome all possible barriers: language, age, nationality… But do we all know about it?
Modern scholars believe that music is not just art, because it affects not only our consciousness, but also our body.

Music is an amazing form of art. No other way of transmitting information could overcome all possible barriers: language, age, nationality… But do we all know about it?
Modern scholars believe that music is not just art, because it affects not only our consciousness, but also our body.

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