Miracles In Medicine Explained By Sound Science
Las Vegas, NV (June 24, 2019)—The mystery of miraculous healings is explained by science published this month in the esteemed peer-reviewed International Journal of Classical Homoeopathy, Homoeopathic Links.
Beyond ‘placebo effect’ are special healing vibrations carried by sound and light from the heart of patients and caregivers transmitted through ‘structured water’ and DNA, concludes the author.
Positive attitudes of patients and caregivers, heart-felt loving intentions too, radiate a special ‘LOVE frequency’ evidenced to be 528nm/Hz,’ explains Harvard-trained science scholar, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. He credits this ‘good vibration’ for impacting patients most positively and powerfully as the source of their miraculous recoveries.
In the article, ”Electro-dynamics and 528 Frequency Resonance in Water Science Helps Solve the Mystery in Homeopathy,” Horowitz details the biophysics and mathematics of miraculous healings. He credits frequencies and ‘bio-resonance energy’ synchronized with the heart of sunshine, nature, caregivers and love receivers, as the curative force.
Genetic signals of sound and light compel physical restoration through a programmed biofield. Dr. Horowitz’s research examines the generally-overlooked capacity of ‘structured water’ in DNA to store and transmit frequencies that direct genetic-expression and body repair. ‘Musical mathematics’ energizes negatively-charged electrons that prompt the miracles.
“This is why grass is green,” Dr. Horowitz explains. The color and structure of chlorophyll best explains its function of generating oxygen–a natural healing and cleansing element central to water. “That oxygen broadcasts ‘electrons of love’ that energize and alkalize cells and tissues.
“Nature models what we caregivers and recipients should be doing. Giving and receiving ‘Love 528—the ‘Universal Healer’.”
“This ‘hydro-electric,’ ‘bio-sonic and bio-photonic’ system also relays healing intentions broadcasting from the hearts of doctors and patients. These ‘good vibrations’ ‘phase-lock’ with the heart of sunshine, chlorophyll, and oxygen. These elements naturally sustain and rejuvenate life in 528nm/Hz.”
A peer-reviewed double blind study published by nerve cell researchers found 528 waves in music boosts human immunity 100% by enhancing anti-oxidant activity. 528 waves also protected the central nervous system of alcoholics by 20%.
Incredibly, that precise frequency of 528Hz is encrypted in the Bible’s Book of Numbers as the most valuable ‘gold offering’ to God used to sanctify the temple—in this case the ‘body temple.’ 528Hz was later adopted by the Catholic Church as the “MI[racle]” note in the Solfeggio musical scale. That music was used in the most spiritually-uplifting “Hymn to St. John the Baptist.”
From this history and health science Dr. Horowitz claims 528Hz is the ”key of the house of David” used to heal King Saul by David’s harp music. The same love energy generated Jesus’ healing miracles. “That’s what baptisms are all about—spiritual renewal transmitting healing benefits.”
Science skeptics and atheists denounce monotheism that they argue has caused divisions between people, and many wars. Bridging the gaps using solid science and musical-mathematics holds great promise for world peace, Horowitz-reviewers conceive.
Natural health products makers and celebrity recording artists worldwide are increasingly relying on Horowitz’s advice. Greening healthcare and the music industry using 528 frequency ‘medicinal music’ is modeled by the natural antibiotic OxySilver. This resonating immune-booster provides a safe, effective, and reliable alternative to risky drugs and vaccines.
Bono and U2, Jay-Z and Beyoncé have each retuned instruments and voices to 528 to reduce aggression and promote, Everything is Love. The doctor’s series of music-videos titled Solfeggio Eclectica treat people of all ages in many therapeutic settings.
Dr. Horowitz trains caregivers to integrate these strategies through his ‘Frequency Rehab’ course online. Lessons include how to make ‘energy medicines,’ ‘structured water’ equipment, and therapeutic music to reduce pain, costs, and drug side-effects.
528 music plays for free on 528Radio.com.
About Dr. Horowitz
Dr. Leonard Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M. (hon.), D.M.M. (hon.) is an award-winning author, filmmaker, and consumer health activist. He is considered the world’s most prolific, articulate, best credentialed, controversial, widely censored drug industry whistleblower, alternative medicine expert, and natural healing activist. “Len” is the award-winning author of twenty two (22) books and seven (7) documentaries, including the winner of five (5) international awards for the most controversial film UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro.

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