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Entries in music psychology (14)


Discerning Your Niche

Discovering your niche will be one of the most empowering moments of your career. Whether you are an artist, a producer, or any creative, the amount to which you develop your own creative voice will greatly impact your path towards success. Our niche makes us easily identifiable and marketable. The better we define it, the more we will open our connection to our fans and clients.

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Mental And Physical Health Benefits Of Music

Music has long been part of the human race’s history. Music helps tell our stories, shares our pain, our chances at love, and becomes the perfect escape when the burdens of life are overwhelming. With all of this in mind, it’s not hard to believe that music can also have mental and physical health benefits.

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How Does Music Influence Your Study Mood

Music has positive and negative impacts on an individual regardless of the genre. And according to psychological research, the mechanisms which result in mood regulation have an association with music. Listening to different types of music helps with focus, reduces anxiety, as well as induces happiness. Also, some students believe that listening to music helps influence their study mood and this article seeks to elaborate much on that. 

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4 Mental Health Benefits Of Playing A Musical Instrument

“Playing lifts you out of yourself into a delirious place,” the famous cellist Jacquline du Pré reportedly once said. Du Pré may have been describing her experience of playing the cello, but her words could just as well apply to the guitar, keyboard, drums, or any other musical instrument. Something transpires in the course of playing a musical instrument that lifts people to a place of transcendence.

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How Music Heals Dementia

Music is a powerful tool that has the ability to take you through time. If you’ve ever been listening to a song and suddenly found yourself reliving a childhood memory or re-experiencing a strong emotion, then you can attest to this. It’s safe to say that there are endless benefits of listening to music that span across health and education, and some of those benefits that you may have experienced yourself include increased happiness and even improved sleep. Music can have numerous benefits, and this is why it’s so effective for patients when used within the context of music therapy.   

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How To Appreciate Music In A New Way

You realize that you have to run to your local grocery store for the third time this week because you forgot something you needed to get the time before…and the time before that. On the drive there, you find yourself listening to the obnoxious top pop hits (for those of you unlucky ones who don’t own an auxiliary chord), but yet you still know all the words and even catch yourself singing along. You then are in the grocery store contemplating if you are going to buy the copious amount of junk food you want to go along with what you actually came to the store for, and you hear a variation of boy band songs or some other song your mom used to torture you with as a child. Music is everywhere, regardless if you really want it there or not.

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The Soundtrack To A Better Night’s Sleep

Data was gathered from 6,576,512 listeners, meaning millions of people are turning to music to get some shuteye. The songs were analysed to reveal the most popular tracks according to Spotify’s algorithm, which could end your sleep struggles in just three weeks.

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How Does Music Engage The Brain And Evoke Feelings Of Nostalgia Amongst Listeners? 

Humans are surrounded by music. It is undeniable that it affects people’s moods and emotions. But even more than that, it has the power to transport listeners to a very particular date, time or event. The songs we listen to and love become woven into a neural tapestry reminiscing seasons, people and locations. I will attempt to discover exactly how music engages broad neural networks in the brain and how it can be used in neuro-therapy to help brain injured patients recall personal memories. 

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Miracles In Medicine Explained By Sound Science

Beyond ‘placebo effect’ are special healing vibrations carried by sound and light from the heart of patients and caregivers transmitted through ‘structured water’ and DNA, concludes the author.

Positive attitudes of patients and caregivers, heart-felt loving intentions too, radiate a special ‘LOVE frequency’ evidenced to be 528nm/Hz,’ explains Harvard-trained science scholar, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. He credits this ‘good vibration’ for impacting patients most positively and powerfully as the source of their miraculous recoveries.

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Music Therapy As A Way To Process Trauma

Music therapy can be an integral and effective way for people of all ages to process trauma. Whether used in the classroom, in a counseling setting, in a hospital, or someplace else entirely, the power of music therapy for healing should not be overlooked.

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How To Choose Music For Retail Stores And Why It Is Important

If you haven’t already figured it out, music is quite crucial to your business and the influence you have on consumers who walk into your store. It reflects the personality of your brand, makes the experience better for your customers, and even boosts your sales if you do it just right.

The problem with most store owners is that they tend to go for the music that appeals to them, rather than the kind of music that will appeal to customers. Creating the right playlist is key. However, you need to know a few things about how it all works.

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Why Music Brings Pleasure: Demystified

In fact, composers of symphonies, rock / pop music, soundtracks and TV ads all know how to tune into the mood of their audience through musical notes and cadences that can alternate between expressions of disparate feelings: from sadness to depression, to feelings of euphoria, joy and joviality.

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How Music is Maximizing Your Productivity 

Listening to music has been a crucial part of our global culture development since the beginning of time. We listen to music to celebrate, to mourn, to run and to improve our mood. But have you ever tried listening to music for productivity?


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5 Unexpected Ways Music Improves Your Workout

With illnesses and disorders abounding in our generation, many people seem to have a run for the gym to work out stresses and tensions. These workout gigs are mostly aimed at enjoying the glow of health. What is more, you can always wear a pair of new orange leggings and sports bra. Because, you know, girls are as much a buff for exercise as boys are. I would think of fitness as not just about hitting the gym; it is also about inner happiness as well as overall well-being.

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