Social Media Basics: Hashtags For Artists
Why Hashtags Matter
If you’re an artist or a band that’s new to the world of social media, hashtags may seem confusing or pointless. These little symbols are a vital way for way people communicate and digest information online. Not only are they important but they can also increase your engagement rate and followers.
What is a Hashtag?
A hashtag is social media’s way of categorizing something, whether it is a Tweet, an image, or video. It allows web surfers (who can be fans or potential fans) find your content related to the keyword you use that can be related to a specific topic, music genre, upcoming show, or new music. For example, let’s say you want to promote your latest song on Twitter: ♬ Check out my latest song | “Lean On”(insert link) | #NewMusic #ElectronicMusic Anyone who comes across your tweet can click #NewMusic and immediately be directed to a Twitter database full of Tweets with that hashtag.
How to Use Hashtags
Using hashtags is a great way to engage with people who are posting similar content. Here are some tips on what works and what doesn’t work for hashtags:
- Capital letters can make your hashtags more visually appealing and easier to read
- You can use numbers
- Avoid using punctuation marks, asterisks, ampersands and other special characters won’t work
- Don’t mistake the hashtag symbol for the @ symbol. Using a hashtag will not notify a user that you are Tweeting at them directly
- Use a maximum of one or two per Tweet
- Try to avoid hashtagging the same thing twice
- For example: #Diplo is amazing. I love #Diplo.
Using Hashtags to Make New Fans
Hashtags are a good way to discover new fans. By posting a 15-second video of a Diplo cover on Instagram or Twitter and using the hashtag #Diplo will surely get you new likes, retweets, and maybe even follows. Almost anyone can find you through a hashtag and become your fan. If you plan on using hashtags, make sure they are relevant. Let’s go back to your Diplo cover, you wouldn’t want to use the hashtag #DiploIsTheBest. As relevant as you think it is, it may not be that common on social media. To find trending hashtags, you can use tools like Tagboard and Hashtagify, and Keyhole. Now that you know the basics about hashtags, use them to start finding new fans and engaging more. If you have any hashtags tips that you’d like to share, comment below!
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