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Entries in marketing (59)


Indie Artists: Buying Success

Indie acts need help. They have the talent but find marketing music difficult. Being a musician, with the internet now being a major highway to the masses, means spending lots of time trying to understand what is required to get your name out.

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BRASH! Blog’s new additions

Music Marketing Blog expansions and additions and wants YOU to be involved

(July 16, 2013 – Atlanta, GA) - BRASH! – A Music Marketing Blog is constantly changing to stay innovative and ensuring its readers are getting a great experience with each post. To enhance user experience, BRASH! decided to make some additions to the blog site. The blog will continue its current format of music marketing blogs, PRs, and Artist Spotlight segments. However, new additions will include guest bloggers lending their expertise on music marketing topics, music festival/concert posts, Q & A segments with music industry insiders, and interviews with the monthly Artist Spotlight; instead of a bio/write up about the artist.

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What Bands Should Know About the Myspace Relaunch

If you haven’t received a notice or saw the posts, Myspace has relaunched with an all-new look. I found my email invitation in the spam folder. So what does this star-studded relaunch mean for musicians?

Probably nothing.

Myspace has tried multiple times to resurrect itself, though it was unsuccessful each time. We’ll see if Justin Timberlake and loads of money can make it work this time.

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Make your flyers and posters literally sing

Attention bands and musicians: we need your help! We are beta testing our new audio QR Codes called tokkers and we’re looking for bands and musicians to try them out (for free!) and give us feedback.

When people scan a tokker that’s printed on your flyer, they can instantly hear your music, see a picture of you, find out more about you and where you’ll be playing, share it on Twitter and Facebook, email it to their friends, embed it in their web page, call or email you, and link to your website.

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25 Digital Media Resources For Musicians

You might want to consider listening to what these people have to say. Many of them are industry professionals that have hands on experience that they’d like to share. Others are people who know about the industry and what it takes to be a part of it. It is important to educate yourself no matter what profession you choose. So before you embark on your next gig or take any other steps towards furthering your career in music take a look at these articles.

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Creating an Unstoppable Kickstarter Campaign: Start With the Fans

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire. He was launching a new podcast series called “The Great Business Experiment: Kickstarter.” It featured interviews with ten successful Kickstarter campaigns to talk about what worked, what was learned, and what can be done for the future. 

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Could You Handle a Full-time Music Career?

Many artists I know tell me that they’d love to be able to do music for a living, to make their band a full-time occupation. Often times, my initial reaction (that I usually keep to myself) is asking, “Really? What would you do?”

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In the Music Industry, the Best Form of Revenge is Success

Rejection. It can sting. Whether it is a promoter or a record label who doesn’t want to give you the opportunity to shine or it is a critic who writes a bad review of your music, the reality is that sooner or later, you’re going to face rejection. How you deal with that rejection can ultimately determine your success.

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MondoTunes, CDBaby, TuneCore, and ReverbNation: How They Measure Up

If you wanted to sell music around the world twenty years ago, you needed to get picked up by a major label. That meant demo tapes, postal services, and constant performing on tours. That was all a ton of fun, but extremely hard work and very expensive, besides. That’s where music distribution online comes in.


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10 Steps Ever Artist Must Take to Promote Their Tour

Do you have a tour or one-off show coming up? Let’s talk about how to promote it.

Now, I understand that there are many debates on where the responsibility of promoting lies (some argue the venue/promoter, some argue the artist). Those debates aside, let me say this: the time and money that goes into strategically promoting your shows will always provide a good return on investment. Who doesn’t want to gain a reputation as a hard-working artist willing to do nearly whatever it takes to make the show a success?

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How to Get More Fans on Facebook

During a consulting session earlier this week, I was asked “How do you get more fans on Facebook?”

I began by talking about the usual techniques: advertising the Facebook page, better cross-promoting with other sites, increasing engagement, etc. However, the more that I thought about the question, the more I realized it was the wrong question. Many artists are constantly looking for ways to increase the number of followers on their Facebook or Twitter. They even buy fake followers to do so. But the bigger question isn’t amount how to get more fans on Facebook, it should be more about how to get more fans, period.

When you are staring at your Facebook fan page and are thinking about how to increase the number of likes, think about the bigger picture: how can you increase the number of fans. Who cares if you have a large number of followers but no one buying your music or attending the shows? When you increase the number of genuine fans, your social media metrics automatically increase.

So how do you get more fans? Many of the important thoughts about this are covered in The Best Social Media Site for Bands as well as in How to Develop a Hardcore Fan Base. Enjoy :)


SoundCloud Powered Résumé for Music Professionals

Music professionals often find traditional résumés inadequately showcase their talents, instead having to link to content across the web to show off their skills. But now with professional networking site Zerply they can connect their SoundCloud audio tracks to their digital profiles to create an audio portfolio alongside their résumé.

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Bad Press...Take It of Leave It (from BRASH! - A Music Marketing Blog)

“People gonna talk about you ’til the day you die; and there ain’t nothing you can do about it.” This is one of my favorite Madea movie quotes because this is true.  Especially in the entertainment industry where artists are constantly being watched, attacked, and ridiculed for making life’s mistakes or even for things that are blown out of the water by the press. A few artists escape the daily bashing by flying under the radar and keeping a simple private life.  While others feed on the bad press to stay relevant and/or capture attention towards their latest project.  But is exposure for your music REALLY worth the negative press?

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Fan Engagement Gets Revealing

Fans are often eager to be the first to know and tell their friends that a favorite band is coming to town. Social media facilitates a certain amount of this organically, but how about harnessing the excitement of a tour launch to amplify the results? For the launch of their co- headlining “This World Is Ours Tour,” Escape the Fate and Attack Attack!‘s management team at The Collective built a custom Facebook app that used fans’ engagement to actually reveal the dates.

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