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Entries in band promotion (6)


How To Partner With Your Venues And Promote Like A Pro

It’s tough. We have to work. And for some of us, gigging is the only or main source of income we’ve got. So when something is funny with the money (not funny “ha ha”, but funny “heck naw”), it could get a little stressful. But, just for a second…

What if we thought of our venues more as PARTNERSHIPS vs. PAYDAYS? What if we took some time to focus on some cool things about the club in addition to our expectations of them? 

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Band Marketing: How Your Tour Bus Can Double As An Advertisement

When you’re in a touring band, you want to do everything you can to get word out. There’s no such thing as having too many fans. While you’re out on the road, you can grow your following. Your tour bus is the perfect opportunity to advertise your band. It just requires you to be innovative and creative. Here are four ways your tour bus can double as an advertisement.

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Call For Contributors

Calling All Musicians! RMRS Call for Contributors

If you’re looking for an additional place to share some of your content our blog Rivington Music is looking for one time and regular contributors. Topics may include album or music releases, How-To Guides, product reviews, NYC area (only!) events, music education and more. If it has to do with mSave & Closeusic, is 500 words or more, and is totally original, we’re interested in potentially publishing it. 
Check out our write for us page and please drop us a line with some posts!



Call For Contributors


The Power Of Promotion: How To Get Your Band's Name Out There

What does it take for your band to gain success? Some will say talent, others may say hard work and determination, but though all those things can help, the real secret to gaining success is promoting and advertising. Face it: there are thousands of amazing artists out there with raw talent and catchy riffs, but if they lack in advertising then they might as well be nothing to the rest of the world. So how does one promote? Here we narrow it down to the most essential tips to help you find your target audience.

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4 Old-School Promotional Methods That Still Work

Step right up! Step right up! You don’t need to hire a carnival barker, but you shouldn’t spend your entire life online. 

We live in an age where fans receive hundreds of Facebook event invites, and artists see dozens of people click “going” only to perform to crowds that include very few of those people. Artists tweet links to events and send out e-flyers on Instagram, and while everything I’ve just mentioned is a free way of promoting an event or album, is it as effective as some of the tried-and-true ways of the past?

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How To: Be Your Own Promoter

My name is Paul Williamson, founder of, musician, singer, and promoter. In the past 2 years I have worked as a promoter, putting on events in London, working with a variety of bands and artists ranging from small garage band acts, to international touring acts. 

In this article I will go through the bare essentials behind being a promoter for your own shows. This is mainly to cover the nitty gritty essentials of putting on a show and not so much detail into the promotion side of things (since that is an extensive topic I will cover in another article at a later date!). This is by no means the only or best way to go about things, just one way.

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