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Entries by Courtney Myers (8)


Ancient Music In Your Headphones? It’s Possible, Thanks To Historians

A few ardent historians have undertaken the immense effort of resurrecting some of the oldest pieces of music available and making them accessible to the general public. Here are three ways you can take a listen.

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Music Copyright Law And The Consumer: Understanding The Basics

When enacted, it serves to prevent the illegal sharing, misuse or distribution of that content through unauthorized mediums. But, what does that mean exactly and what or who does it cover? Let’s take a deeper look.

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More Than An Elective: Why Music Education Is Essential 

With budget cuts, a changing curriculum and myriad other factors playing into the modern school day, it may come as no surprise that courses in music, art, vocational trades and more are often on the chopping block, considered as electives that are not paramount to student success.

As musicians and music lovers ourselves, we understand this to be fundamentally wrong. Rather, music education extends outside of the classroom and can positively affect lives long after the school bell rings and it’s time for dismissal. Even if your child isn’t the next Sting or has zero interest in pursuing music as a hobby or career, there are reasons why attendance in these courses should be required, considered just as vital to a well-rounded education as math, science or reading. Let’s take a look at a few top reasons why.

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What Really Happens to Our Brain When We Hear Our Favorite Song?

While you know that your top jam gives you all the feels, did you also know that it elicits a specific chemical reaction in your brain?

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Four Ways That Music Actually Makes You Healthier

You know that feeling you get when you hear the first few chords of your favorite song? You know how all of your stress seems to melt away, your mind goes to a happier place and time and suddenly, anything that ails you seems a little less pressing? You might think it’s just because the jam is really great, and that’s part of it. However, there’s more to it. Neuroscientists have actually shown that listening to music is good for our whole body and can make both healthier and happier at the same time. Let’s check out four benefits you could reap the next time you spin that favorite record.

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Why Everyone Should Try An Instrument At Least Once

But I kept that old bass guitar and every once in a while, I get it out of its case. I strum my fingers across its strings and our two children cover their ears in mortification. I’ll never regret my time spent dabbling in music, primarily for what it taught me about my family, myself, and the real world.

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Social Media And The Music Industry: How Is Online Sharing Changing The Game?

It’s no secret that digitization is proliferating into almost every corner of our lives. We can order our groceries delivered, communicate in an instant with someone halfway around the world, and yes — share a song with our Facebook friends and other social media followers whenever we want, introducing an entire audience to music they might never have experienced.

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Social Media And The Music Industry: The Good, The Bad And The Viral

It’s no secret that digitization is proliferating into almost every corner of our lives. We can order our groceries delivered, communicate in an instant with someone halfway around the world, and yes — share a song with our Facebook friends and other social media followers whenever we want, introducing an entire audience to music they might never have experienced.

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