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Entries by Dan Matthews (36)


Music Therapy As A Way To Process Trauma

Music therapy can be an integral and effective way for people of all ages to process trauma. Whether used in the classroom, in a counseling setting, in a hospital, or someplace else entirely, the power of music therapy for healing should not be overlooked.

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Proper Moving & Storage Techniques For Musicians

As diehard musicians, there is nothing more important than our instruments and the songs we create. Because of the significance of these possessions, it is essential that they are always stored and moved as securely as possible, so they are not warped or otherwise damaged by the elements.
Whether you are storing your equipment for the day or the next year, you want to make sure that it is properly cared for. Also, when you are going from one gig to the next, you want to ensure that your equipment arrives in the same condition in which it left. To help with these scenarios, consider the following advice:

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Tips For Setting Up A Foolproof Home Practice Space

While it’s easy to set aside any old room for a practice space, a well thought out home music area actually requires quite a bit more prep than simply a floor, four walls, and a door that closes. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when going about creating that all important, foolproof home practice space for the homebound element of your musical journey.

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Sound Healing: Musicians As Mental Health Professionals

Negative sleep patterns, eating disorders, and unhealthy blood pressure levels are all being treated with music therapy nowadays. Some music has even been recorded specifically for healing purposes. If you’re interested in taking your career in music to a whole new level, read on!

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What Your Band’s Website Really Needs

Marketing is the difference between a band website that gets a lot of traffic and one that doesn’t. But how is marketing your website different than marketing your music? You’re about to find out.

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How Millennials Are Changing The Music Industry

When it comes down to it, millennials are completely altering the industry as we know it because of the quantity of music we consume and the technology we use to consume it. Millennials are consciously changing the industry as insiders, and we’re intentionally and unintentionally changing it as consumers.

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Running A Band From A Project Management Perspective

Find out how to avoid the pitfalls of managing a band like it’s a business; start here, and you’ll be able to move ahead with creating great material, playing great shows, and linking up with the best people in the music industry.

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Are Musicians Really More Likely To Use Drugs?

I used to do social work for a living, the kind of social work where you work with people in the field to reinforce what they’re learning in therapy. I was also (and still am) a musician. Throughout my time as a social worker, and really throughout my life, I’ve noted the pervasive picture of the musician as addict, the musician as drug user, and the musician as junky. 

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7 Easy Steps To Getting A Job At A Record Label

Like any other business, record labels need quality employees. Likewise, bands need good record labels, primarily because of how much time it takes to get everyone in the band together, hone skills, write good music, and learn how to perform. 
With the internet and affordable software at everyone’s fingertips, it’s true that the DIY approach is gaining ground for musicians. But you’ll be hard-pressed to find a successful band that isn’t on a record label. It takes a ton of effort to be a good band. Record labels do the things that bands don’t have the time and resources to do.
Are you attracted to the industry side of music? Are you a musician yourself? Do you find yourself attracted to the music scene wherever you go? Working at a record label might be just the right fit for you. Here are the steps to make it happen.

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Will Playlists Kill Off Albums?

There’s a playlist for every occasion, and whether you get on a Spotify playlist can determine the success of your songs. Let’s take a look at the possibility of playlists rendering albums obsolete.

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9 Great Resources For Musicians On The Move 

If you’re a traveling musician who doesn’t have a desire to settle down anywhere in particular, This world may be friendlier than you think, you just need to access the right resources. Here are some of the best ones for you.

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3 Things To Do If Your Job Doesn’t Match Your Music Career

What if your job isn’t flexible enough for you to take the next step in your music career? You’re going to have to find a way to make the band your priority. Only bands who truly want to bring their music to a wide audience will get there.

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What To Watch Out For In Apps For Musicians

No doubt we’re living in a golden age of technology options for musicians. Whether we’re talking tuners, recorders, tabs, metronomes, virtual tour assistants, virtual tutors, or virtual songwriting assistants, you can have it all on a single device that fits in your pocket. But with great power comes great responsibility — that is, the responsibility to make sure you know what’s up with things like data collection and security.

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The Single Most Important Lesson I Learned On Tour

Touring is a complex, daunting, and exciting thing. As an independent band, you might think the hardest thing about touring is booking all the gigs. But you’d be wrong.

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