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Entries by Joe Pacheco (10)


Spot On Track And Its Benefits To Fans And Musicians

Ever wonder what songs, artists or playlists are hot now?

Spot On Track is here to help. Spot On Track is a tool that helps listeners follow their favorite artists, songs, playlists, etc. and see how they are doing on a billboard chart standpoint.

Spot On Track is a useful tool for listeners because they are able to listen to their favorite artists and see exactly how they are doing on a billboard standpoint. Having easy to view charts, graphics and being a free beta app makes Spot On Track very user-friendly and definitely something to look into trying out. Fans are also able to see what countries their favorite artists are the most popular in.

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The Top Five Reasons Having An EPK Is Important

I don’t know how many times venues, promoters, magazines, etc. have asked me for a press kit to review. If you don’t have a press kit, you’re toast. Not the good kind either.

Having an EPK can benefit artists greatly because they offer a great piece to send to anyone you’re interested in working with.

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Why You Don’t Need A Record Label To Be Successful

We live in a time where musicians have everything they need to be successful all in fingers reach, yet many artists still don’t understand exactly why artists are steering away from labels more and more. With these few topics, artists are able to understand why you don’t need a record label to be successful in today’s music industry.

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Eight Things Every Musician Website Must Have

Want to step up your game and get more gigs and recognition in the music scene, but no one seems to be replying to your emails to check you out on Spotify, Soundcloud, Facebook or Twitter? Make a website! Websites are ideal for musicians to have because they host everything that a fan or promoter needs to have in order to know what you’re about. Here are eight things every musician needs to have on their website.

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The Benefits of Music Therapy

The idea that music is powerful is an understatement. We are all taken captive by music on a day to day basis whether it’s getting goosebumps when our favorite song comes on or when we hear a song that sparks a specific memory. Many don’t know the impact that music has on those with severe disorders such as Autism, though.

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Top Gear For Indie Artists

There are endless amounts of indie bands out there that all sound completely different because of one reason: they have a certain sound. Though all band’s sound different, they all rely on and cherish the one thing that makes them different, their gear. Gear gives bands a means of self-expression and individuality to their sound, which is what all bands strive for. Here’s the top gear for indie bands to experiment with to take their sound to nirvana.

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Top Gear for DJs

Every musician has a certain style and preference, and for DJs, being different is what it’s going to take to make you stand out in the industry. One way an artist does this is by using and discovering new gear. Gear not only increases productivity but also can add new elements to your sound. Here’s some of the most innovative equipment for DJs to look out for.

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Top 5 Things Record Labels Look For

So you’re a bit of a bad ass, huh? You’ve got the sound that’s waiting to be discovered and are ready for the big leagues. Just because you’ve got the sound doesn’t mean you’ve got the deal these days. Now you’re thinking to yourself, what do record labels look for when signing an artist?
Here are the top five things record labels look for in an artist before giving them a deal.

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Top 3 Tips For Earning More In The Music Industry

Since the beginning of music’s existence, we’ve had musicians come and go but it is the pioneers, the ones who are weird and different, that are the ones we all remember!

When trying to make it in the music scene today, standing out is just as vital as anything else in having a fruitful career.
Here are our top three tips for earning more in the music industry:

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Top 10 Best Musician Documentaries

Since the influence of digital streaming, we are now able to stream endless documentaries from the tips of our fingers. From hometown heroes to arena sellouts, here’s a personal collection of the top 10 musician documentaries.

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