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Entries in live stream (3)


How to Spice Up Your Next Live Stream Show

Now that we’re almost a year into this thing, fans and artists have mostly grown accustomed to the idea of live streaming concerts. Possibly even too accustomed. While the familiar thrills of an in-person show may feel new and exciting every time, a live stream is (unsurprisingly) a little different. Viewers are less committed, and more prone to distraction when viewing from home. After taking in a few songs, their attention might start to wander, unless you give them a compelling reason to stay tuned in. Here we look at a few tips and tricks for mixing up your live stream shows, and keeping them interesting for your audience (and, honestly, for you).

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How To Leverage Live Streaming To Find Fans And Build Your Brand In 2020

Let’s face it. It’s harder than ever to get noticed as an artist. You’re competing against 3+ million artists uploading over 40,000 new tracks daily.

Only a handful of artists breakthrough every year, but what about everyone else?

You can continue competing against millions of artists on the same platforms for the same fans. Or, you can try new channels to find new fans and build your brand. 

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The World's First Facebook Live Festival 

Harnessing the power of Facebook Live, new music blog Right Chord Music has created a new type of music festival, inviting bands and artists from across the world to takeover their Facebook newsfeed.

The Takeover Festival takes place 18th, 19th and 20th August. Tune in to watch from the Right Chord Music Facebook Page.

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