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Music Merch Guide

Many musicians struggle in turning their passion for music into a living. Why? Perhaps this is because so many artists do not realise that being a musician also means running your own business. In order to make money from your artistry, you need to wake up and smell the corporate coffee…

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9 Music Marketing Strategies That No Longer Work In 2020

Once you get the hang of it, marketing can be a lot of fun.

After all, marketing is tied directly the results you want as a musician – ticket sales, streams, merch sales, contest votes and so on.

But there are marketing strategies that don’t work, especially now that search engines and social media platforms have had time to evolve and adapt their algorithms.

So, we need to ensure we’re going about this the right way. Here are nine music marketing strategies that no longer work in 2020.

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MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Music Website Design & More


Music Website Design Tips To Promote Your Band In 2020

Every musician needs to have an active and engaging social media presence. However, not all of them are able to create an attractive and easy to navigate websites which can boost their influence. Websites are very crucial for all musicians as they provide a space where they can showcase their talents, sell tickets, and promote their music and brand to new and existing followers. Therefore, if you are serious about your music, then creating a good music website design should be paramount.

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This Is How Listening To Music At Work Can Boost Your Productivity

Work can be exhausting and even overwhelming at times – especially if you get distracted by the smallest things. To stay on top of your work, you must be able to prioritize accordingly, limit distractions to a minimum, work undisturbed, and put your phone on silent. Studies show that these tools have kept people productive and efficient. But there’s one more that I have yet to mention… putting on some headphones and playing music! 

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How To Stay Safe While On The Road

Touring is a part of every musician’s life, planning shows and making fans across the country and around the world. When you’re spending that much time on the road, safety is essential to make sure that you’re reaching your destination safely. What do you need to do to stay safe while you’re on the road?

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Mental And Physical Health Benefits Of Music

Music has long been part of the human race’s history. Music helps tell our stories, shares our pain, our chances at love, and becomes the perfect escape when the burdens of life are overwhelming. With all of this in mind, it’s not hard to believe that music can also have mental and physical health benefits.

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MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Sound Equipment & More


Tips For Storing Sound Equipment And Cords

Good sound equipment is essential for any creator who provides services involving music, audio effects, or vocal advertisements. If you are starting any sort of music career or business, you will need to think about properly maintaining and storing your equipment. There are a few things you can do to make storing your sound devices and their cords easier.

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How Event Planners Make Music Concerts Possible

An article about the importance of event planning

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How To Invest In Your Music Career Like A Roth IRA

I recently opened a small retirement account. 

And that got me thinking…

“Hey, this is kind of like being a musician on the side.”

How the heck is your music related to retirement?


This post will go through how and why you can invest in your music career like you would a Roth IRA.

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How To Promote With Emotions (And Why)

Now more than ever, it’s not just enough to show up. You have to stand out. As we all know, the pandemic has leveled the playing field to where your “stage” is literally the same size as everyone else’s. All of your fans and the ones following artists on major labels are all being viewed on mobile devices, laptops, and tv screens.

So how can you shine above the rest?

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MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Hosting A Drive-In Concert & More


5 Tips For Hosting A Successful (And Safe) Drive-In Concert

While it may seem obvious, current regulations make it harder to simply cram a bunch of cars into a parking lot, and selecting a space to host your pandemic-era concert necessitates room for not only the cars themselves, but also the appropriate distance between them (while still allowing the cars to remain close enough to the stage to see the actual show)

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